

The newest installment of the Vatican Files is an excellent piece on Paul's theology and Roman Catholicism. Click here to read!
Paul Levy
Jeremy Walker is doing a 3 piece on 'New Calvinism' part 1 - caveats and characteristics part 2 - commendations part 3 - critique (forthcoming)
Carlton Wynne
Last Sunday each of our slated morning and evening preachers had originally chosen the same text for his sermon--the song of Simeon in Luke 2. I know because I was the evening preacher. Now hearing two (hopefully) biblical sermons on the same text in a single day certainly won't harm a congregation...
Click here for Trueman's latest optimistic take on all things relative to Christmas.
Guest blogger
What are Christians to make of the death of perhaps God's most outspoken critic? What is the Christian attitude to the death of the wicked? I must confess my first response was undignified, self-righteous and downright sinful. I could see the headlines in the blogosphere "Does Christopher Hitchens...
Paul Levy
In the light of Carl's post readers might be interested in Del's own A Biblical guide to love, sex and marriage , which is very good.
Paul Levy
The latest edition of the Affinity Theological Journal - Foundations is available here The intro blurb reads....... Welcome to the second online edition of Foundations which is available in both pdf and html formats. This issue of Foundations offers a range of articles and reviews which will be of...
Paul Levy
Recently a student worker came to see me, (admittedly that is surprising as what I know about university work you could write on the back of your hand). Anyway, she said she'd noticed that there weren't enough male leaders in Christian Unions, particularly in London, and that those who were in...
Paul Levy
There are few things tougher than trying to find fresh material at Christmas, but Thomas Watson strikes gold again on the incarnation ''He was poor, that he might make us rich. He was born of a virgin that we might be born of God. He took our flesh, that he might give us His Spirit. He lay in the...
Click here for Jeffrey Waddington's excellent brief bio of Jonathan Edwards. You can never have too much of the Northampton heavyweight!