

In The Christian Ministry - which, incidentally, every pastor and would-be pastor ought to read - Charles Bridges weighs in on the matter of pastoral character. Again, he is not so much taking up and directly expounding a passage like 1 Timothy 3, but rather painting with careful strokes of the...
After reading Dr. Trueman's and Pastor Walker's posts on this topic, the reader will permit me a fair amount of reticence to post on 1 Timothy 3:4-5. My colleagues' thoughts have been very convicting to my own rather green pastoral conscience, so I write with a good bit of trepidation! It is...
Make sure you read Dr. Richard Belcher's excellent review of C. John Collins's Did Adam and Eve Really Exist!
The qualifications that Paul lays down for pastoral ministry in the church of God are not focused on a man's gifts so much as his graces. In 1 Timothy 3.2 and following, as Carl pointed out , we do not have a demand for sinless perfection, but for that overarching blamelessness which manifests a...
Continuing our thoughts on pastoral character, here is William Arnot: The more that the teacher absorbs for himself of Christ's love, the more benefit will others obtain from him. . . . Those who drink in most of the Master's spirit are most useful in the world. Those who first take heed to...
I would like to think that Pastor Fashion is a spoof. In fact, I am somewhat desperate for it to be a spoof. It troubles me that, despite its magnificent lameness, there is too much non-spoofery that is so close to it. However, just in case it is not a spoof, like frantic Christians everywhere, I...
In a few days time I have the privilege of being one of the preachers at "The Call" Conference in Edinburgh. (I believe that there are still opportunities to book a place if you wish.) The theme of my sermon - and one which I feel the weight of - is "The shepherd's soul," addressing "the necessity...
What follows is a tract of penetrating honesty written by Archibald Alexander, found in Practical Truths (32-34) (Amazon US / UK , or a lovely edition here ). The tract is entitled "Christianity in its nature aggressive," and Alexander is blunt in addressing - way ahead of the game - the foibles...
Although I have posted this before elsewhere, I would like to let you know about a lady who belongs to the church which I serve. She can barely leave her home at present because of her physical condition, itself substantially the result of a botched operation several years ago. She has been close...
Charles Bridges was one of those precocious talents, a ridiculously gifted young man whose infamously excellent The Christian Ministry was written when he was about twelve, or something like that. In the course of the book, Bridges deals with the matter of ministerial success, and he does so with...