

We here at reformation21 pride ourselves on customer service (for examples, look no further than our (failed?) attempts at toning down Levy and posting doctored pics of Trueman). Pursuant to that end, we are calling for your questions for our resident apologetics expert Dr. Oliphint about...
Paul Levy
William Green gives us 8 reasons and calls them 'disciplinary ends of the temptations of Satan' 1) They drive us to take refuge in God 2) They train the believer in the duties and exercises of the Christian warfare 3) They are made a means of intensifying our hatred for sin 4) They can be an aid to...
Robert Traill's advice to men of God striving to be faithful and longing to be fruitful: Take heed unto thyself, that thou be a lively thriving Christian. See that all thy religion run not in the channel of thy employment. It is found by experience, that as it fares with a minister in the frame of...
Paul Levy
The archives of the Affinity Theological Journal have been made available on their website dating back to 1978. There's 30 years worth of excellent material, Derek Thomas makes his first appearance in November 1980 with 'Jehovah-Jesus: Touched With the Feelings of the Infirmities" I was 4 years old...
Paul Levy
My father dug this hymn up for me, I can't remember seeing it before. It's an Isaac Watts number written in common metre, Indelible Grace have butchered , I mean remastered it here if you fancy your tunes a little more modern and unsingable. 1. How sad our state by nature is! Our sin, how deep it...
Anselm Mulliner is a character in one of P. G. Wodehouse's short stories, entitled "Anselm Gets His Chance," available in the collection Eggs, Beans and Crumpets ( US ), for those interested. Anselm is curate of the parish of Rising Mattock in Hampshire, a man who "when he was not dreaming fondly...
Paul Levy
I have a two week old daughter who's sleeping pattern is not particularly great but I can testify that at 4 O clock this morning an interview with Derek Thomas at the Reformed Forum knocked her out for four hours. In her short life she's never slept so well. She was awake through him talking of the...
Scott Oliphint
Editors' note: A summary of the incident referred to by Dr. Oliphint can be found here . Richard Dawkins, who is arguably the (non-existent) god of all things atheist, recently found himself on the wrong end of a verbal baseball bat. The story itself drips with so much irony that it's impossible...
As Christians in the UK and elsewhere engage in discussion among themselves and with civil authorities about the nature of marriage, it seems that many are concerned that such battles are indicative or even productive of a coming judgement. It would be worth our while to consider, on the basis of...
Paul Levy
When I was a young Christian I was given the advice of reading an evangelistic book regularly. It's good for the soul and I think one of the benefits is it keeps reminding you of the simplicity of the gospel that at times, in my preaching, I somehow manage to complicate. I've recently read Real...