

The famous Welsh preacher, Christmas Evans, once vividly described what he imagined Satan would look like if he came to church: The way in which a man hears the Gospel is an index to the state of his heart and the nature of his affections and desires. If we were to suppose that Satan came into the...
The answer is yes! Baptists historically have held to covenant theology; the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith makes this fact plain (see chapter 7). More recently however, Reformed Baptist pastor Greg Nichols answers this question in the affirmative as he masterfully expounds the subject of...
Despite the temptation to rise to Dr Trueman's bait - I can only assume that the man who wrote a book called Histories and Fallacies had his tongue firmly in his cheek when he whiffled out that tosh about Baptists "executing Dutch nudists," otherwise one wonders precisely how reliable is the...
Paul Levy
The Ref 21 switchboard is jammed with calls ''when do we get the Carl Trueman's video with Jim Packer?'' the people are asking and so I googled Carl Trueman videos and noticed stylistically there's been lots of changes in my good friend's wardrobe over the years, different influences can be seen...
Recently I read a helpful and challenging new book by Dr. Joel Beeke and James La Belle entitled Living Zealously. I highly recommend this volume, which draws from the writings of several Puritans on the subject of zeal and is a great means for stirring us up to be all that we can be for the Lord...
Paul Levy
We are in the full flush of a church planting frenzy here in the UK. It's a great thing that so many gospel churches have been planted in the last 10 years and over that we rejoice. There's no doubt that it's something of a fad and at the moment it's the trendy thing to do but that doesn't mean it'...
This morning while I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the work of ministry for this week, I "happened" to grab Richard Baxter's book entitled The Reformed Pastor and was encouraged when I read the following words, Is it nothing to be brought up to learning, when others are brought up to the...
For those who may be interested, here is a link to the sermons that Paul Washer preached at our Southern New England Reformation Conference. The Holy Spirit was pleased to own our brother's preaching with much power and boldness. Truly, I can say the messages were life transforming. http://www...
Wilhelmus à Brakel offers some good advice to the gospel minister: He ought to use all his scholarship to formulate the matters to be presented, in order that he might express them in the clearest and most powerful manner. While using his scholarship, however, he must conceal his scholarship in the...
Consider the man born into a family of terrorists. The man's father had rebelled against the King of the kingdom in which he lived, and - having so rebelled - all his posterity were brought up to hate and fight the King who ruled in this kingdom. It is to this family that the man belongs. Having...