

Paul Levy
I'm with Carl on giving more prominence to the Lord's Table in our churches, though one of my besetting sins, and other men administering at the table, is that of talking too much. Carl's point regarding the tension of striking, 'a balance between fencing of the Table (discouraging from...
Iain D Campbell
We don't get many celebrity pastors on the Isle of Lewis, but this past weekend Charles Price (The People's Church Toronto and Living Truth) was in our little town for a series of Bible talks organised by a committee of laymen who have set up the first Lewis Christian Conference . I attended two of...
A Sabbath well spent Brings a week of content And strength for the toils of the morrow; But a Sabbath profaned Whate'er may be gained Is a certain forerunner of sorrow.
Now that the news has broken that my album - tentatively entitled Funkier Than You Think - may be hitting the market before long, I feel marginally better qualified to speak to the issue of the sung worship of the church. The New Testament data with regard to singing in the worship of the church is...
Just popping out of the recording studio, where I have been working on my latest album, to point out (a) that the only thing that many people fear more than Paul Levy standing up to preach having forgotten his trousers is Paul Levy being given the opportunity to preach at a women's conference and (...
Paul Levy
There are a number of things I fear in ministry which will never take place. One is the usual preachers dream of standing up the front preaching when you realise you haven't got any trousers on. The other is Jeremy Walker bringing out his own album 'Now that's what I call the Psalms' , but the one...
Paul Levy
For those of us adults battling to learn the Shorter Catechism there is good news. Givens Strickler writing in 1897 was wrong, and he's wrong because of Bruce Benedict 'Unless they are learned in childhood and youth, the strong probability is that they will never be learned at all. Not one in five...
L.M. (Rockingham) Psalm 16 In you, O Lord, I put my trust; Preserve me in my time of need, I lie before you in the dust, And have no goodness there to plead. Among the saints on earth I reap Pleasures exceeding all below; This is the company I keep, These are the truest friends I know. Let others...
Carlton Wynne
I don't pretend to be an expert in Bunyan's classic Pilgrim's Progress . I doubt I've ever mentioned it in a sermon. But quotes like the one below (passed along to me by one who recalled it from memory) make me want to reread it with a fine-toothed comb. To set the context, Christian has just...
According to Spurgeon, ministerial character matters: When we say to you, my dear brethren, take care of your life, we mean be careful of even the minutiae of your character. Avoid little debts, unpunctuality, gossipping, nicknaming, petty quarrels, and all other of those little vices which fill...