New book on Christology

Iain D Campbell
Last week I picked up Andrew McGowan's latest book, The Person and Work of Christ: Understanding Jesus (Paternoster, 2012). I devoured it over two days, and reckon it is one of the most important books to have emerged this year. 

Published as part of the 'Christian Doctrines in Historical Perspective' monograph series, it explores the loci of Christology - the divinity and humanity of Jesus, his eternal Sonship, his exaltation and work (with extended discussions on the nature and extent of the atonement, penal substitution, and the uniqueness of Christ). 

The biblical foundations of these topics are laid out before their theological importance and practical relevance are discussed. Having been critical in the past of Andrew's nuancing of the doctrine of Scripture and his tweaking of federalism (intriguingly, more of this in a future book is promised in a footnote), it is important to give honour where it is due!