

The Scottish preacher and theologian Thomas Chalmers, in a sermon on "The necessity of the Spirit to give effect to the preaching of gospel," declared: How little must the presence of God be felt in that place, where the high functions of the pulpit are degraded into a stipulated exchange of...
Paul Levy
There are tired sermon illustrations which we've all heard before and then there's General Sedgewick! 3 times in 2011 we had guest preachers who began their sermons with his famous last words. The story goes if you don't know it but I'm sure you do, that General Sedgewick who was a general in the...
Paul Levy
If you're around in London on 20 October and fancy a bit of Presbyterianism this is the conference for you . The EPCEW are celebrating 25 years and are hosting this in the centre of town, the speakers are Bob Letham 'Building Christ's Church', Kevin Bidwell "The Challenges and Opportunities of...
For those who live in the New England area you might want to consider coming and hearing Dr. Trueman speak if you are able. See below for the information. Hope to see you there.
The Dutch reformer Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711) writes insightfully in his magnum opus, The Christian's Reasonable Service: [The devil knows] that faith is the fountainhead of spiritual life, and he therefore seeks to obscure faith in all its activity. He suddenly interjects irrational...
Troubling reports are filtering through from the United Kingdom's capital. Apparently, there are concerns about a group of children, approximately seventy in number, suffering from a so far unexplained trauma. Counsellors in West London have been called in by worried parents, but the authorities...
Paul Levy
I'm sitting in my study the morning after the week before. My study is a tip and there are books to be read and emails to be answered but I'm grateful. There are no children throwing wet sponges at me for warm up games and I'm not trying to think up a routine to reinforce yesterday's story. My...
A few days ago I was at the home of a mentor. I happened to be in a chair which I suspect he may use for some of his reading. Being that type, I picked up the book on the top of the pile and began flicking through it, opening it almost at random. I was struck by the paragraph italicised below, and...
I remember hearing the story: a gathering of ministers in a place that had known God's blessing in an unusual degree in time past, grieving over the present low state of things and seeking the Lord for his return. They pondered and discussed the ways and means that the Lord had given by means of...
8 7. 8 7 (Sussex) Grace abounding! Oh the sweetness Of those words to sinful hearts. Trace the stream of heavenly mercy That on darkened Calvary starts. Kings dispensing earthly splendours Cannot match our gracious Lord: Grace abounding! Oh the riches Of the bounty now outpoured. Grace divine! How...