

Paul Levy
Whilst Carl is linking to stuff I thought I'd join him. An RP minister sent me this, rarely have we seen technology harnessed to such good effect. Exclusive Psalm singing Presbyterians at their very best here . There surely are times when we need to admit we're not cool.
Carlton Wynne
For those interested in the latest tumbleweed to blow through ancient textual circles, Dr. Mike Kruger offers some sensational, late-breaking news that the fourfold canonical gospels are still authoritative. See here:
Iain D Campbell
Last week I picked up Andrew McGowan's latest book, The Person and Work of Christ: Understanding Jesus (Paternoster, 2012). I devoured it over two days, and reckon it is one of the most important books to have emerged this year. Published as part of the 'Christian Doctrines in Historical...
Paul Levy
I take Jeremy's points in his post and wholeheartedly agree with them. I would want to add a counterpoint though. I do think one of the dangers we face as young men (I'm 35 and hanging in there) is often preaching out of the pulpit. What I mean by that is we adopt the speech and attitude of men of...
Paul Levy
The last few weeks have been somewhat frantic, hence my lack of blogging output. As you can imagine the Ref 21 inbox is going crazy, 'Where is Levy?' they ask. It's one of the most popular requests behind 'Where can we get more of Walker's hymns?'and 'In which century did Jeremy Walker minister?'...
A quick note: Lee Gatiss has edited George Whitefield's Sermons in two volumes for Crossway. The two hardbound volumes are available from Amazon for £37.79 at the moment, but the whole shebang is available in a Kindle edition for only £10.52 . No idea how long this offer will last so bag it quickly...
To be born again is, as it were, to enter upon a new existence, to have a new mind and a new heart, new views, new principles, new tastes, new affections, new likings and new dislikings, new fears, new joys, new sorrows, new love to things once hated, new hatred to things once loved, new thoughts...
Carlton Wynne
In Col 3:10, the apostle Paul describes one of the most stunning aspects of the Spirit's re-creative work in uniting us by faith to the risen Christ. In that verse, we read that the natural man is, by that Spirit, suddenly and irrevocably "renewed in knowledge after the image of Him who created him...
Paul Levy
This is one for high achievers who've won gold and then find there's nowhere to go . I remember talking with Carl after T4G and him recounting the same........ CRT - '' Levy, I've been on stage with the big four, done a seminar, admittedly it wasn't a keynote but it's bigger than you'll ever get, I...
My good friend Rich Barcellos has posted this excellent article on the Reformed Baptist Fellowship blog; check it out if you are interested: