

A Long Line of Godly Men (Volume 2, AD100 - 1564): Pillars of Grace Steven J. Lawson Reformation Trust , 2011, 543pp., hardback, $28.00 ISBN 978-1-56769-211-2 Volume One ( Foundations ) in this series concentrated on the doctrines of sovereign grace as displayed through the entirety of the Bible...
A few things: First, on the basis of the post on paedobaptism and Presbyterianism, Paul Levy should undertake to leave any future instruction of his interns in grammar, spelling, and the like, to others. A failure to do this will evidently hinder a man for life. Second, the discussion so far has...
Paul Levy
St Helen's Bishopsgate have their latest 'Preaching Matters' videos. David Cook of Sydney gives an introduction and outline of Acts and William Taylor finishes off Luke . The photo in the still at the start of the video makes David Cook look like he's a contestant in 'Give us a clue' whilst William...
Paul Levy
Ben Williamson teaches at Johannesburg Bible College and works for Melville Union Church , in a previous life he was one of my first interns at IPC when I was even more clueless than I am now. As everyone knows there are no jobs in Presbyterianism and so Ben has taken the plunge and sold out to the...
Although some of the phrasing is a little dusty, and the period needs to be borne in mind, there is some sound advice here about the pursuit of plainness in preaching from William Plumer: The Word of God must be preached plainly and simply, not in allusions and doubtful terms, not in innuendoes and...
Paul Levy
Over at Dissenting Opinion John Stevens has responded very graciously and at length to my challenge posted yesterday . I'll respond later but I think the question I'm left with is, is it possible to be an ''independent conviction paedo-Baptist''?, do such people exist anymore? and should they?
Paul Levy
Stephen Clark has written a very helpful and thoughtful piece on how the church should respond to gay marriage looking at the issue biblically and in the light of history....Augustine's 'City of God', 1662 and the act of uniformity, Wilberforce and the Clapham sect and the temperance movement. It's...
Not long ago, I received a very generous offer. One of the current glitterati of the evangelical scene was going to be preaching, and I was invited to go along and hear him speak . . . in person . . . for free. I must confess that, living as I do in the UK, I was not able to take up this very kind...
I am pleased to let you know that videos of all six sessions of the conference may be viewed at The conference speakers were Dr. Dale Ralph Davis and Dr. Greg Beale.
Paul Levy
It's been too long since I've baited FIEC . John Stevens, Andy Patterson, Trev Archer and Richard Underwood are the four wise men of FIEC. All four were local pastors doing a great job and got promotion to become directors of FIEC (come on lads you know I'm smiling!). FIEC has undergone something...