

Paul Levy
Ralph Cunnington wades into the watery divide in his first foray as editor of Foundations Journal . I've not managed to read it yet but the contents look very good indeed, contributors include Del-boy, John Stevens, Lee Gatiss, Mike Gillbart-Smith and Kevin Bidwell
Such was the (in)famous reply of atheistic British analytic philosopher Bertrand Russell when asked what he would say if, upon his death, he found out that God really existed. Our own Carl Trueman, eschewing the unbelief of Russell while evidencing the same British snobbery, will engage in a formal...
For those persuaded beyond all reasoned argument that Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year (and, indeed, for those who are not), might I draw your attention to a couple of new volumes from the Banner of Truth ? Just published are two gift edition confessions of faith in the Pocket...
6 6. 6 6. 8 8 (Rhosymedre) He stepped from his high throne, And laid aside his crown, And to this sinful world The Son of God stooped down: He came as our Immanuel That God as man with men should dwell. The virgin brought him forth As promised from of old; The Word in flesh appeared, The Saviour...
Despite the implied goading of the Pope of Ealing and the Dean of Westminster, I have no intention of engaging in a tit-for-tat with my brother Lee Gatiss, responding to all the various points of contention (and I do not mean by saying that to imply that all his points could be swiftly and...
This year's Westminster Conference finished yesterday with a further three papers. The first was, for me, perhaps the highlight of the conference. David Gregson from Reeth gave a paper (the Reeth lecture?) on Blaise Pascal. We considered his life and his scientific exploits as a man of indisputable...
Rick Phillips
I have benefited from reading the comments on the wide variety of blogs that have picked up the discussion between Tullian Tchividjian and me on the subject of total depravity, the Christian, and the doctrine of sanctification. In some respects, these conversations are most valuable in terms of the...
Paul Levy
I was brought up in Ebenezer Baptist Church, Swansea and the great son of that church is Griffith John (not Steve Levy). Gary Brady points to a report on the BBC about him. The church has recently commemorated his death and John Aaron gives a terrific overview of his life and influence . Griffith...
Oh, the ignominy! One moment Mr Levy is speaking of my contribution to the discussion at the Westminster Conference, and the next he dismisses those making contributions as "loony toons." A more sensitive man than I might turn for solace to one of those cheering Russian novels which Carl recommends...
Paul Levy
I had an early morning meeting in town today and so dropped into the first session of the Westminster Conference, Lee Gatiss the new chief of the Church Society and as he made many mentions of 'a lecturer at a CAMBRIDGE College', 'tutor to 'students at CAMBRIDGE' was speaking. I like Lee, he's a...