

Losing Adam means losing so much more besides. That is because losing Adam is likely to prove the beginning of losing our Bibles. Like the gardener who decides to trim his hedge, he finds that an aggressive cut at one point leaves a lopsided creation which requires further cuts here and there in...
Paul Levy
Very often when people speak about guidance they will talk about a conversation with God. It goes something like this.....I was saying to the Lord and he said to me.... (feel free in to fill in what you want). I was once told of the minister who sat in his car before he went away and prayed 'Please...
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on the unity of Scripture: Higher criticism is man picking and choosing out of the Scriptures, believing what he likes and rejecting, or ignoring, the rest. It is man failing to submit himself completely and utterly to the whole of the Scriptures. And I believe that this is...
Paul Levy
In ' Persistently Preaching Christ - fifty years of bible ministry in a Cambridge Church ', there is an exceptional instance of Minister and elders (in this case Church Wardens) working together. Mark Ashton writes... 'After twenty years of ministry in Cambridge I approached my churchwardens to ask...
Pastors in the Classics: Timeless Lessons on Life and Ministry from World Literature Leland Ryken, Philip Ryken & Todd Wilson Baker Books , 2012, 192pp., paperback, $16.99 ISBN 978-0-8010-7197-3 This is an odd book. It is not a bad book, but it is hard to categorise. Divided into two parts, the...
Paul Levy
St Helen's Bishopsgate have produced a series of short videos on Science and the Christian named 'Science - A personal view' . Various scientists from their congregation address common questions and misconceptions outsiders have regarding the gospel. This is an excellent resource and just the sort...
Paul Levy
Colin Buchan a n is, to my son and c ountless other kids like him, the equivalent of what John Piper is to Christian hedonists, Gresham Machen is to the OPC and John Stott is to English public schoolboys. The kid absolutely loves him. I have friends up in Aberdeen who took their son to one of Colin...
Paul Levy
I've been in blogging rehab the last few weeks and so have turned my attention to Twitter, that other marvellous form of modern communication. We set up a church account to give out announcements and so far it's been a rip roaring success with 15 followers most of whom don't go to the church...
When the New Testament deals with sexual morality, it does so unfailing clarity and reassuring discretion. Take, as an example, the instruction of the apostle in 1 Thessalonians 4: Finally then, brethren, we urge and exhort in the Lord Jesus that you should abound more and more, just as you...
The Public Ministry of Christ William G. Blaikie This volume , first published in 1883, bridges the disciplines of Christology and pastoral theology, and its author will need no commendation to those who value Scriptural studies that blend scholarship and devotion. Blaikie's contention, argued in...