

We're making progress, and I will bundle all these links in due course, but for now we have had . . . Introduction . Principles 1 and 2 . Principle 3 . Here are principles 4, 5 and 6. 4. Consider your testimony and character (digital footprint). The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he...
So far, the introduction and the first two principles . Today, the most developed of the principles, concerning the power of words. While the applications are specific to social media, I hope that the principles are transferable to any communication. 3. Remember the power of words. The mouth of the...
Paul Levy
I wanted 10 but only came up with 7..... 1. The church is weakened because the leaders do not model godliness. Congregations should be able to look at their elders and aspire to be like them in their life and teaching. 2. You place the future of the church in peril. Ministers come and go. Most...
Paul Levy
It still feels like the morning after the week before. A first IPC conference with Carl Trueman on Doctrine, Luther and Warfield. The little fella was at his best, raging against the machine of parachurch and constant swipes at his gracious and kind host. Various hostelries were visited during the...
Following on from part one , in which I suggested that, as with so much else, we should ask the question, "How may I use social media to the glory of God?" Here are the first two principles: 1. Know and watch and guard your heart, cultivating the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the...
Social media is perhaps the most common or popular expression of what is sometimes called Web 2.0. Web 1.0, for those who may be wondering, consisted mainly of static pages containing fixed data. Web 2.0 is the more dynamic, interactive expression of the interweb which we all now enjoy, or at least...
8 8. 8 8. D (Cleveland) Psalm 21 The king shall have joy in your might, And in your salvation rejoice; You gave him his heart's true delight, And heard the request of his voice; You met him with blessings untold, And set a gold crown on his head; His days rolling on from of old; He asked, you gave...
A few days ago a brother in the church which I serve asked me for book recommendations for Christians in business. Having only two or three volumes at my disposal, I wrote out to a few fellow-pastors and other friends seeking their counsels. What follows is a consolidated list of responses. I wish...
For those who may be in the New England area the weekend of May 3rd and 4th, Dr. Joel Beeke will be preaching at the Southern New England Reformation Conference being held at the church I pastor in North Providence, Rhode Island. You are warmly invited. For more information, please see here: http...
Paul "Champion of the Chip People" Levy makes good points regarding petitions, with which - I must confess, though it irks me to do so - I am substantially in agreement. If he carefully reads the post about the Keep Marriage Special petition, he will observe that it is not so much a recommendation...