

Paul Levy
I see that Jeremy has requested us to sign yet another petition on Gay Marriage. I slightly dread petitions. I have never known a petition to have any effect whatsoever, apart from in school once where chips were removed from the daily menu and I successfully led a sixth form revolt to restore them...
Many Christians in the UK will be aware of one or more of the various campaigns opposing the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Bill currently passing through the Houses of Parliament. There was significant opposition to this legislation in the House of Commons, though the Bill did pass its Second Reading...
A word to the wise: learn all you can while you can, because the longer you go on in ministry, the less 'discretionary time' you are likely to have. If you are a younger man, perhaps a seminarian, you may feel busy. But you may, relatively speaking, have few or limited church responsibilities, you...
As a pastor I always seek to recommend solid, Christ-centered reading materials for the people I shepherd. Just recently I came across two superb series of children's books which I cannot commend highly enough. Not only do these volumes explain Bible doctrines clearly and simply, but best of all...
For those who don't know of it, you may be interested to hear that Todd Pruitt and Carl "I'm not a celebrity, I'm just high-profile" Trueman are building their empire with a podcast entitled The Mortification of Spin . According to the spin, er . . . blurb, MoS is a bi-weekly casual conversation...
No, that's not the title of the latest po-mo book on reaching the unchurched. Rather, its intended to draw your attention to the new piece on ref21 by our friend Leonardo De Chirco on the Pope's last encyclical , as well as our resident film critic John Perrit's review of the latest in the Die Hard...
Paul Levy
''There is just one reason why I may possibly expect you to listen to me. I may expect you to listen to me if I can bring to you a message from God. If I can do that, then the very insignificance of the speaker may in a certain sense be an added inducement to you to listen to him, since it may help...
Rick Phillips
I am excited to report the planting of Christ Church Presbyterian (PCA) in Charleston, South Carolina. At the recent meeting of the Palmetto Presbytery, Dr. Jon Payne was approved to this call as church planter. We are looking forward to a public informational meeting that will be held on Monday,...
My dear friend Scott Meadows offers some thought provoking comments concerning the change in the Papacy. What he has written should be well considered.
Friends in the UK and mainland Europe might be interested to know of the Banner of Truth Conference at Leicester, due to take place this year on Monday 15 through Thursday 18 April. Speakers include Sinclair Ferguson, who probably needs no introduction, Warren Peel, a dear friend from the Reformed...