

As promised, a first snippet from Thomas Foxcroft, who advises us as to the correct and necessary balance and relationship between public and private ministerial responsibility. He gives this specific counsel: Private inspection or pastoral visitation is of necessity to the same purpose as the...
The apostle John had seen many wonderful things in his life. He had lived alongside the Christ for three years, testifying that if all the things that Jesus did "were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written" (Jn 21.25). He had...
The Gospel Ministry Thomas Foxcroft Soli Deo Gloria ( RHB ), 87pp, hbk ISBN 978-1-56769-061-3 This unusual but highly profitable little volume is a preacher's own ordination sermon. It was preached in 1717 by Thomas Foxcroft as he set out to demonstrate to the congregation which he was to serve the...
Rick Phillips
In 1734, God used the preaching of Jonathan Edwards to launch the Great Awakening in Northampton, MA. Edwards would go on to be one of the most influential Christians in American history. We rightly think of this Awakening, like all true revivals, as a sovereign work and unexpected blessing from...
Lectures to my Students C. H. Spurgeon Various publishers and editions Every Friday afternoon Charles Spurgeon would head down to the Pastors' College - of all the institutions in which he was involved, the one that was perhaps dearest to his great heart - and attempt to put an edge and a point on...
6 6. 6 6 (St. Cecilia) Psalm 150 Oh come and praise the Lord, Praise in his sanctuary; Come, praise him in the heavens, On earth with bended knee. Give praises for his deeds, And reach for fitting words, Enlarge your hearts to hymn The glories of the Lord. With heart and hand and voice, Praise him...
Not long before Christmas, a father in the Lord went home. For those who lived in my part of the world, Mr Cherry - as he was almost invariably known - was an institution. He died at the age of 95, declining health having kept him only for a few months from his beloved task of preaching the gospel...
Stephen McCaskell's collection of quotations from the great Victorian, Through the Eyes of C. H. Spurgeon: Quotes from a Reformed Baptist Preacher , is available on Kindle at a great price, only $3.11 at and £1.92 at ($14 or £15 in print). With references to their sources,...
Jeremiah Burroughs: The gospel of Christ in general is this; It is the good tidings that God has revealed concerning Christ. More largely it is this: As all mankind was lost in Adam and became the children of wrath, put under the sentence of death, God, though He left His fallen angels and has...
Maurice Roberts, writing on "The Christian's Refreshing" in his book of essays The Thought of God (Banner of Truth, p. 74-75), has the following counsel, which may prove a timely encouragement at the end of a long and laborious year: There are times in the Christian's life when he must recognize...