

Rick Phillips
I was glad to see some some constructive dialogue in the comments section of Tullian Tchividjian's reply to my critique of his article on total depravity and Christians . Let me say at this point (even though I look forward to the day when such statements are not necessary) that: 1) I bear no ill...
Paul Levy
I've had one of the oddest and most encouraging weekends in a long time. Friday morning saw us meet as a church planting committee for presbytery. It was a pretty humbling meeting. One of our church plants in central London has had to close and it's been painful all round. Pete Harris, who's the...
My former professor and dear friend Dr. Sam Waldron has written a new book which looks like it will be very helpful for all Christian husbands and fathers. These are the topics which are covered: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PRIESTLY MINISTRY - The Heart of Christian Service 2. THE SCRIPTURAL WARRANT - Old...
Paul Levy
I can take many things from Carl but fashion advice is not one of them. For those of us who know him of yesteryear you will remember the red boots, plus the phase he went through of wearing semi spandex t shirts, you know the type, a kind of lycra running top that glistens and are just a little too...
Last Sunday I failed again. I often fail on the Lord's day, but this Sunday evening was one of those particularly noticeable occasions. There were a number of factors at play, as there always are, but there was at least one that meant I was never going to succeed. In fact, I had set myself up to...
A friend stumbled across this Dockers ad from a few years ago and sent it on after reading Dr. Trueman's recent piece. Surely the good doctor will be horrified to learn that an American clothing company got the jump on him!
Carlton Wynne
What hath cyber Monday to do with eternity? For starters, yesterday offered a $2 billion glimpse into where America's treasure is being stored up (cf. Matt 6:19-21). But the fact that mobile devices have become the purchasing organ of choice brings into view, too, the perspectives on this world and...
Angus T. Jones, one of the stars of American sitcom Two and a Half Men , has gone online to explain that he no longer wants to participate in the show, describing its contents as "filth," as reported by the BBC . I do not know anything much about the programme, the actor, the church, or the...
Over at the Gospel Coalition, Trevin Wax has warned us against what he calls the Puritan paralysis : that crippling, morbid self-analysis - what Mr Wax calls hyper-introspection - that directs all our spiritual attention toward self and our efforts rather than toward Christ as the object of saving...
Our friend and fellow contributor, Dr. Dariusz Brycko alerted us to this very important work on Calvin. Dr. Brycko writes: "I have the privilege of volunteering as international secretary at the University of Warsaw's Committee on the Reformation in Poland and East-Central Europe, formed in 2008 by...