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Here is a great interview by my friend Kevin Boling with Dr. Joel Beeke. The interview is concerning the new book, A Puritan Theology.
Paul Levy
James Philip's notes on Romans have been put on St George's Tron website . These are his daily bible reading notes which contain virtually all in the commentary (The Power of God) , but are probably a little expanded in places.
8 8 6. D (Tresalem) I wander often from the way, And sin afflicts me every day: Oh, when shall I be pure? Christ leads me to the path again, And washes me from every stain, A cleansing full and sure. I hear the world's enticing voice, That tempts me to a godless choice: How shall I stand the test?...
Dr. Joel Beeke offers some helpful insights on the new rap song by Propaganda. "A new rap song by Propaganda has caught the attention of a number of Christians in the blogosphere. It styles itself as a series of questions to a pastor who loves to quote the Puritans, criticizing them for their...
The Intolerance of Tolerance D. A. Carson IVP , 2012, 200pp., paperback, £12.99 (UK) / Eerdmans , 2012, 196pp, hardback, $24 (US) ISBN 9781844744053 / 9780802831705 The central premise of this book is that a true and proper tolerance defends both the right of others to hold views other than one's...
Carlton Wynne
Strange things happen in the days leading up to a national election. This morning's case was courtesy of the center article at which reads "When 'God's Will,' Rape and Pregnancy Collide" (Caution: the article contains explicit details). Whatever political hiccup has given rise to this media...
Imagine the Brady Bunch, the hit TV show from the 70's, being re-packed for today's viewers. Would the plot identify with the majority of younger couples - or even Boomers? Not according to a recent article at the Weekly Standard (HT: Steve Hays at Triablogue ). The article's author, Jonathan Last...
I would not necessarily agree with all the emphases and recommendations, but - as someone who might end up at the sharp end of this kind of law - I appreciate the clarity of Rowan Atkinson's argument, and the defence of the right to speak plainly. As ever, one is obliged to smirk at the intolerance...
Matthew Henry was born on 18 October 1662, not long after Black Bartholomew's Day (24 August 1662), the date on which his father - in common with about 2000 other ministers of the gospel - was ejected from the Church of England for refusing to compromise his conscience by taking the Oath of...