

While I hope to offer a review of Beeke & Jones on the Puritans in the not-too-distant future, let's just say that my exposure so far would make it the height of churlishness not to let you know that is doing it for $60 hardback but only $10.29 on Kindle , while the same generosity...
Paul Levy
Fearing being tarred with the Levy brush and seeing potential preaching tours to the US disappear I see Jeremy has distanced himself from my observations before even hearing them. In the true spirit of Ref 21 whose strapline reads 'encouraging biblical thinking, living, worship, ministry and...
A couple of recommendations for helpful techno-tools that I appreciate: many of you will know of and use these, but for the few who don't . . . Dropbox . This is great. Doubtless there are other versions, but this is simple and delightful. You set up an account (the basic one of 250 megabytes is...
Most of us manage to annoy someone from time to time. Writing on a platform like Reformation21 gives us unusual scope for this, extending our capacity somewhat. However, I have just read Mr Levy promising us five less-than-great things about America, and I now look forward to what will surely be...
Paul Levy
I've been in the US for the past two weeks travelling round on a world domination tour trying to raise funds for a new building project. I don't understand much of what has been said to me and I know that in the places I've spoken there have been warm smiles of appreciation and cluelessness at my...
My friend Brian Najapfour has written a helpful treatment on the life and spirituality of John Bunyan. Covering a historical overview of Bunyan's life, his position on prayer and his pursuit of practical piety, this book will stir you up to a closer walk with the Lord and a desire for growth in...
Despite an overwhelming vote in favour of women bishops (including the required two thirds majority among the bishops and the clergy by a substantial margin), the General Synods fails to pass the motion, it not reaching the necessary two thirds majority among "the laity." The bile is already...
As the General Synod of the Church of England waxes lyrical about the issue of women bishops, with the evangelical cause somewhat compromised by a necessary co-belligerence with Rome and fatally undermined by the fact that the Archbish-elect is described as both evangelical and in favour of women...
In recent days a slur's been cast on certain giants of the past, Who did - so goes the painful claim, despite their other rightful fame As men of penetrating sight who sought to know and do what's right - See nothing wrong with stealing men, but added their robust "Amen!" To ownership of humankind...
Peter: Eyewitness of His Majesty Edward Donnelly Banner of Truth , 1998, 160pp., paperback, £6.50 ISBN 0-85151-744-7 We might imagine that we know Simon Peter. His character seems to lie splayed on the pages of the New Testament. Yet, at the same time, we may think that a few bold strokes capture...