"In Eden's sinless garden"
January 12, 2013
7 6. 7 6 (St. Alphege)
In Eden's sinless gardenA man and woman stood,
Each crafted in God's image,
And both entirely good.
The serpent entered Eden,
And entered both their hearts;
And neither did resist him,
Fell to his fiery darts.
So Adam's abdication
Was punished by the Lord;
Eve's insubordination
Jehovah much abhorred.
Then came the Second Adam
Into the wilderness.
Where Adam fell, he conquered,
Both to restore and bless.
He raises from the ruins
Of Eden's shattered bliss,
And by his saving power
Does Satan's blight dismiss.
True men, pursue with courage
Loving nobility;
True women, with true beauty,
Submissive dignity.
You sons of Adam, glory
That Jesus sets you free.
Eve's daughters, bow before him,
Embrace your liberty.