

Paul Levy
Evangelicals Now is a Christian Newspaper for the UK but also has news from around the world, helpful articles, news etc. It's edited by John Benton who has written some really helpful little books. The plan in 2013 is to launch an online edition but you can't actually beat the feel of a newspaper...
A few years ago, on a warm spring afternoon in Jackson, MS, I detected a note of surprise in the man's voice. He had just finished a PhD on Tolkien and was delighted by the questions of my dear friend and, at that time, elder, Mel Duncan on all things Tolkien. Mel has shared his Tolkien expertise...
Paul Levy
David Robertson has produced a video promoting his tete a tete with Richard Dawkins held recently in the Highlands of Scotland. Dawkins and Robbo two of the great characters of our age meet at Stornoway Airport luggage carousel! It's at 1 minute 37 seconds the first meeting takes place and you can...
Though flowing slurs Do sorely try, I'll not contend But silent lie.
Paul Levy
Lee 'Iron Man' Gatiss has penned a riposte to Ref21's own poet laureate There once was a Baptist named Walker Who was quite the inordinate talker But his poems are fine Ancient rhyming sublime His attack on poor Levy - a corker!
Yon blackguard Levy sallies forth Regardless of wight's feeling: Why waxed thee wroth o'er sorry tales, Thou scurvy Pope of Ealing? What need we Del or Phil or Rick, Those trusty blades of yore? From Levy's quill, one post suffice To make a world full sore. Wapping, 1677
Paul Levy
Today I make a plea to all potential Christian book writers and publishers........ stop putting very annoying 'real life stories' at the start of your chapters, as if that really grounds them in reality. You know what I am talking about. At the start of the chapter is an example of what the chapter...
How do you pray? How do you think about praying? How do you set out to pray? Consider these encouragements from Thomas Brooks in his volume, The Privy Key of Heaven (also reprinted recently by Banner as The Secret Key to Heaven ). Brooks clearly feels himself on the very borders of reverent speech...
Paul Levy
Peter Adam is an Aussie and former Principal of Ridley, Melbourne, he spent the summer over in the UK and has been a frequent visitor to these shores for the last 20 years.. His books are very thought provoking and worth grappling with as preachers. He's interviewed on Preaching Matters and there's...
Paul Levy
I've never been to St Andrew's the Great Church in Cambridge. I never heard or knew Mark Ruston or Mark Ashton and yet have met countless people hugely influenced by both of them. CFP have just published 'Persistently preaching Christ' a book reflecting on the ministry of this City Centre Church in...