

Paul Levy
Scott Clarke has spent a fair amount of time in the Blogging Doghouse as have I, but welcome back to the man with this cracker on 'What pastors shouldn't tell their wives' .
A last snippet, for now, from Thomas Foxcroft's The Gospel Ministry once more, fairly early on in his sermon, exhorting himself and other ministers to preach Jesus in every sense: Ministers then must study to feed their flocks with a continual feast on the glorious fullness there is in Christ; they...
Since Trueman's assent to stardom as Augustine redivivus , the requests for copies of the debate have almost crashed our server. Ok, so maybe that's a bit of an embellishment, but either way you can watch the debate here: Part 1: Part 2:
Paul Levy
In the light of Carl's post Adam and Eve and Pinch Me , you might want to listen to the Audio from the recent John Owen Centre Conference on 'Adam: in the bible, in the church and in the world'. Michael Mclenahan and Garry Williams' talks are both excellent and I'm assured the rest of the lectures...
This Monday, January 14, we will launch a weekly study of the Westminster Confession of Faith. Look for new entries on a weekly basis on each chapter of the Confession from contributors such as Joel Beeke, Richard Phillips, Jeffrey Jue, Philip Ryken, and Scott Oliphint. This series promises to be...
7 6. 7 6 (St. Alphege ) In Eden's sinless garden A man and woman stood, Each crafted in God's image, And both entirely good. The serpent entered Eden, And entered both their hearts; And neither did resist him, Fell to his fiery darts. So Adam's abdication Was punished by the Lord; Eve's...
Carlton Wynne
Over the Christmas holiday with my extended family, amid a full-blown but lovable circus of three to seven-year-olds that was rivaled only by the even louder football bowl game commentary emanating from the TV, the name of Stanley Fish came up in an unexpected burst of worldview conversation. Fish...
Rick Phillips
One of the Book of Church Order amendments making the rounds of PCA presbyteries this year is a proposed change to forbid the practice of intinction. For those not in the know, intinction is the procedure of receiving the Lord's Supper by dipping the bread into the cup. Instead of eating the bread...
I have just begun to read through some early manuscripts of two new books coming out in the next two months from Reformation Heritage Books that I am quite excited about. The first is En couragement for Today's Pastors: Help from the Puritans. The second is Building a Godly Home, volume 1: A Holy...
The following quote is from Benjamin Wadsworth's introduction to The Gospel Ministry by Thomas Foxcroft: The right performance of this work [of gospel ministry] is attended with many and great difficulties, partly from the various, frequent, furious assaults of Satan; partly from the lusts of men,...