

From such love -- may I ever be delivered! (J.C. Ryle, "Christian Love" 1878) Christian love does not consist in approving everybody's religious opinions. Here is another most serious and growing delusion. There are many who pride themselves on never pronouncing others mistaken -- whatever views...
Paul Levy
I don't know Ken Moulder but he is interviewed here and for all ministers this is worth watching, it's so encouraging. Keep going.
Rick Phillips
Tim Challies was very kind to post a link to my previous post on Bill O'Reilly, the Bible, and Gay Marriage . One of his commenters brought up an objection that I thought I might respond to here. I had written that without the Bible, the only moral consensus open to man is a wicked pagan idolatry...
Rick Phillips
I happened to see a video this morning in which Bill O'Reilly was arguing with Laura Ingraham over O'Reilly's complaint that conservatives need to do more than "thump the Bible" in making our case against gay marriage. Not only was O'Reilly incredibly arrogant and rude, but his colossal mistake...
Carlton Wynne
In a recent article , Albert Mohler has accurately and astutely observed the widespread bracketing of public moral arguments by those seeking to defend the traditional and conjugal view of marriage in America. It's true, from attorneys defending Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)...
In yesterday's action-packed episode , I presented some ways ministers might deal with criticism. Today, I want to look at those who bring criticism to pastors. If you've been in a church for any length of time, you know the pastor's critics. Sometimes they are many, other times just a few. The...
With due awareness of the liabilities, I would like to venture on to the delicate ice of how pastors should receive - and congregants give - criticism. The reason I feel emboldened to do so is that I have had, in my years as a minister, some very good critics and I pray that others would benefit...
This is a very helpful little video with Pastor Albert Martin, who is one of my all time favorite preachers and a friend as well. It has been a joy to know him for almost two decades and to constantly be prompted to godliness by his straightforward and Biblically saturated words.
C.M. (Godre'r Coed) How can this guilty sinner flee The judgement that is mine? How can a wretched man escape The punishment divine? Tell me where wrath and mercy meet; Show me God reconciled. Where can a rebel find true peace, Rest for a heart so wild? Come, take the path to Calvary, Climb up her...
It is sometimes difficult to work out exactly what people are doing when they open their Bibles and let their eyes pass over the pages of Scripture. An observer might surmise that one of the things that they are not doing is reading the words and assimilating the truth that is contained there. That...