

You may not be aware of a portentous US drama for mild paranoiacs called Person of Interest . The premise is fairly simple: after September 11, 2001, a mysterious and reclusive (you could be mysterious without being reclusive, I suppose, but the reclusive are typically more mysterious than average...
The Westminster Conference gathers annually in London in December to benefit from two days of thoughtful and stimulating study of church history, seeking to make plain the applications from the past to present challenges and opportunities. The conference this coming winter takes place on Tuesday...
There seems to be a growing appetite for funerals that seek to avoid the fact of death. This tendency is developing not only outside but within the church. Typically, the day's business begins with the burial (or, indeed, the cremation), getting the bit in which death cannot be avoided out of the...
I trust that all of us desire to lead sinners to Christ in the most biblical and God honoring way possible. I'm sure that all who read this blog (and write for it) want to be used of the Lord to bring their unsaved friends and family members to Jesus. But how do we do this and from whom can we...
Rick Phillips
In 1731, Reformed believers who had been part of the Independent Church in Charleston, SC decided to establish First (Scots) Presbyterian Church on Meeting Street. This coming Sunday, June 9, a group of Reformed believers are returning to First Scots with the same fervor for the glory of God, the...
Carlton Wynne
I was reminded recently--this time by a statistic dealing with college commencement addresses--of the relentless homogenization of culture and ideas in the name of diversity by today's movers-and-shakers. Apparently, the "uni-" is still stretching its lead over the "-versity" on today's campuses,...
Paul Levy
Sydney Anglicans are voting in a new Archbishop later in 2013. The election is in August, but the campaigns have started already. A 4-month build up and the campaigns are in full swing! It seems there are really only two major contenders. The first is a man called Glenn Davies, who seems a decent...
Paul Levy
I recently got locked out of my house and spent the morning in our local greasy spoon, 'The Hanwell Cafe', and the afternoon in our local pub, 'The White Hart', affectionately known in the area as 'The Dripping Blade'. It's an old style London pub that hasn't been gentrified. I took Trueman in...
A few days ago I was contacted by an American brother who had recently received an email inviting him to preach at a conference in London. The email, as many do, lacked a little coherence, but was addressed directly to him and essentially invited him, at fairly short notice, to preach at a...
You may well have heard the horror stories about people who overlooked a small lump or growth somewhere on their body, and who kept overlooking it, sometimes ignorantly, but sometimes wilfully, wishing it would just go away, finally heading to see a doctor when the mass had developed to a dangerous...