

Paul Levy
I'm back from holiday tomorrow but couldn't leave Northern Ireland without sharing some snaps of Carl reading the Chronicles of Narnia in the park that he alluded to here , Carl arrives He's done it The elders of Cornerstone slightly relieved they'd got through the week Carl taking it too far last...
My dear friend Pastor James La Belle e-mailed me letting me know that the Presbyterian Church of Cape Cod is once again hosting its annual Cape Cod Reformed Conference (Nov 8-10, 2013). The keynote speaker this year is well-known author and speaker Jerry Bridges, who will be bringing several...
Rick Phillips
Kevin DeYoung, Bryan Chapell, and I filmed a video discussion on the topic of revival during this year's Gospel Coalition National Conference. It just came up on their website and I hope it is a help to those thinking about this subject.
What happens when a believer dies? It's a good question which, sadly, many Christians are confused about. It's not that the Bible is not clear about the matter, but getting all of the details straight can be difficult. Thankfully, Rick Phillips gives much help on this vital subject in his booklet...
At the moment, I am imagining that Luther has a smartphone and a Twitter account. Of course, being Luther, he might find a far more effective means of communicating his response to this , but it does rather demonstrate a little something of that old motto, semper eadem .
It has been a great ten day trip. My family and I left Rhode Island over a week ago for Battle Creek Michigan to spend time with friends at a beautiful lake home for some much needed rest. While there, I was able to break away for a day to go to Grand Rapids and spend time with the folks at...
Reformation21 blogger Iain D. Campbell is one of the editors of and contributors to an imminent volume from Evangelical Press entitled Engaging with Keller: Thinking Through the Theology of an Influential Evangelical (the other editor is William M. Schweitzer). Ian Hamilton provides a sincere...
There is great confusion today about the role and possible influence of ancient Near Eastern texts on the Old Testament, particularly the opening chapters of Genesis. Last fall, Dr. Noel Weeks, expert historian and Senior Lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Sydney, did an outstanding...
Prof. William Evans of Erskine College has taken on Al Mohler on the days of creation, among other things. Steve Hays at Triablogue has offered a thorough response here . HT: The Aquila Report
As we travel the pilgrim path, we are continually confronted with decisions which need to be made. This is true of every child of God, although the nature and impact of the decisions which differ in accordance with our calling and circumstances. So, for example, it might be a Christian woman who is...