

Michael Ives, pastor of the Presbyterian Reformed Church of East Greenwich, RI, wrote a helpful piece on Halloween that is well worth reading. With the day fast approaching, this thought provoking article will assist us as we seek to live as Christians in this fallen and wayward world. The article...
To date, we have looked briefly at love , tenacity , boldness and consistency as particular features of the effective personal evangelist. The fifth mark of the effective personal evangelist is understanding . We have said that we do not need special training - a degree course, or formal, academic...
Iain D Campbell
On my way back from a meeting in Edinburgh I picked up Stephen Hawking's newly published memoir at Glasgow airport, a short hardback aptly titled ' My Brief History ', which I read on the plane journey home. Did you know he once smuggled Bibles into Russia...?
Paul Levy
Last Sunday we had a session over lunch for those involved in welcoming at our congregation. Penny Chew (it is her real name) who has the gift of greeting (!) gave our folk a number of top tips and others weighed in. 1. Approach people, welcome them, don't wait for them to come to you. 2. Show new...
So far we have considered love , tenacity and boldness as some particular features of the effective personal evangelist. The fourth mark of the effective personal evangelist is consistency . If tenacity is an unwillingness to let go in the face of pressure and opposition, consistency is the simple...
In looking at some of the features of the effective personal evangelist, taking for granted (as it were) the genuine conversion and growing holiness of such a person, so far we have considered love and tenacity . The third mark of the effective personal evangelist is boldness . We often struggle...
So far in this series we have set out our stall and considered love as the first mark of the effective personal evangelist. The second mark of the effective personal evangelist is tenacity . This is the spirit of a dog with its bone, fiercely attached to it to the extent that you could probably...
In the introductory article to this brief series, we marked out the limits of our study, namely that we are considering how individual believers, in their various spheres, might faithfully communicate the saving truth to those around them still lost in darkness, and what are the features of...
Once in a while I get free books in the mail. I love to promote the ones that are soundly scriptural. Thankfully, I just received two I want to mention. I also would like to publicize a special deal on an old classic. The first is by my friend Brian Najapfour. Brian is a graduate of Puritan...
Whether we are prepared to admit it or not, most of us have 'celebrity pastors,' or at least men to whom we offer a measure of unqualified and uncritical appreciation or even adulation. We go beyond that properly Berean spirit that receives the word with all readiness and searches the Scriptures to...