

Guest blogger
Few things are tougher to do today than evangelize. Actually, that's not entirely true. Few things seem tougher to do today than evangelize. Why the modification-on-the-fly? Because too many of us think and act as if everyone beyond the church is a Hitchens-in-disguise, a Dawkins-in-repose, just...
Paul Levy
Lots of our readers will have got hold of Sam Allberry's excellent book ' Is God anti gay? '. Sam is involved in the leadership of the website 'Living Out' , the strapline of the website is 'We're a group of Christians who experience same-sex attraction, and we want to share our stories, answer...
Paul Levy
All preachers have annoying habits. People in my congregation occasionally talk about the claw. I find myself making a point and I have this mystery claw I turn my hand into and hold it by my head. Don Carson went through a stage when he used to twirl his glasses which was very maddening. When I...
A couple of bits and pieces to recommend, either of which you might already have sampled, I hope to your edification. First, Antinomianism by Mark Jones ( / / Westminster ). We are not lacking expressions of the blunter forms of antinomianism in our day, but the phenomenon...
Architecturally, Westminster Theological Seminary is a peculiar place. Located north of Philadelphia Pennsylvania on an old estate, at the center of the campus stands an old stone mansion, an homage to bygone days. Wrapped around the mansion--which houses an assortment of dormitories, staff rooms,...
From time to time, in the weeks leading up to the beginning of the new school year, I receive enquiries about churches in particular places. They usually go something like this: "So-and-so has got a place to study this-or-that at such-and-such university in such-and-such a city. Do you know of any...
Paul Levy
Recently I've spent some time with two friends who were in ministry but have fallen morally and so now find themselves out of a job that they loved, separated from their families and, in all honesty, struggling. I've showed what I've written to them and I wouldn't say they were overjoyed at what I...
Thank you for following through this series on effective personal evangelism. For ease of reference, here are the links and topics: Introduction Love Tenacity Boldness Consistency Understanding Prayer Faith Experience Encouragement Summary This is not an exhaustive list, by any means, but I am...
Nearly there! So far we have surveyed the following marks of effective personal evangelism: love , tenacity , boldness , consistency , understanding , prayer , faith and experience . The ninth mark of the effective personal evangelist is encouragement . The personal evangelist needs support. Do you...
The Westminster Conference is taking place on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th December at Regent Hall on Oxford Street. This year, the topics are, I hope, particularly timely, speaking to current issues and pressing needs in the church of Christ, and bringing the wisdom and experience of the past to...