

Paul Levy
CJ Mahaney (remember him!) writing in John Piper's Festschrift 'For the Fame of God's name', Crossway, p386 ''In 2007, the Washington Post organised an experiment. During the morning rush hour, world famouse violinist Joshau Bell stood incognito in the entrance to the L'Enfant Plaza Metro Station...
Paul Levy
It's Christmas, a time for sharing, of giving to those who do not have and helping those less fortunate and gifted than you are. It is in this spirit that I am providing 3 of my best Christmas illustrations. I've stolen them from others and, in return, I would love other bloggers to share their...
Recently, I published a book titled Words in Season: On Sharing the Hope that is Within Us . It is an introduction to sharing the good news of Christ that was birthed out of a Sunday school series. The book not only focuses on our individual privilege to witness of the person and work of Jesus but...
We're excited to announce the latest addition to our blog team here at ref21, Rev. Leon Brown. He is a husband, father, pastor, and author. His recently published Words in Season: On Sharing the Hope that is Within Us . He received a B. A. degree in Communication Studies from the University of San...
I do not often sympathise with Anglican vicars, but I did feel a mite of solidarity with the Reverend Simon Tatton-Brown of St Andrew's Church, Chippenham, Wilts., when I heard his unfortunate story . Caught short by the demands of a nativity address, he decided to regale his infant congregation...
Paul Levy
As a follow up to my post on Pilgrim's Progress, I've been reminded of this post from our good friend Justin Taylor. Ref21 and Gospel Coalition working together for a better world for both celebrity and normal Christians.
At the risk of being trampled by the ireful in the latest slanging match over rap and hip-hop, I wonder if I might interject? It seems to me, watching from a distance and not trying to read every contribution, that the debate quickly escalates into absolute and swingeing declarations that fail to...
Paul Levy
I am sitting in Heathrow airport waiting for a flight to Aberdeen when the shadowy figure known only to many of us as 'the Librarian' points me to a quote from this weeks Spectator. It's the follow on article from what Carl has just linked to and Ron Liddle analysis is very, very apt........ '"Last...
Paul Levy
Few things depress me as much as how few Christians read Pilgrim's Progress . I fear that a generation are growing up in churches without knowing this remarkable book. I've often wondered about adding it as a condition to church membership. Great Commission Publications , which is one of the best...
Paul Levy
In the light of recent events I would like to retract all my insults of Carl Trueman, he has a full head of hair, he's definitely over 5ft ,he looks good in his spandex running gear, the videos he's done where he's dressed as an old grandfather are really cool, he didn't just go to America for the...