

Here, signs above the water fountains said, "For Colored Only." Certain parks, restaurants, and swimming pools prohibited all but its white guests. Distant past? No. As recently as 1960, ethnic integration on public transportation was still questionable. Home to the Manchester Slave Trail and...
Months ago when my wife was helping one of her patients (let's call her Sarah), Sarah said, "Those are my peoples ." My lovely wife, in somewhat of a frantic response said, "What?" Sarah said, "You know, my family." Somewhat down on herself my wife said, "Oh! I knew that. My husband says that." It...
I can assure you that ethnic/race issues will not be the only, perhaps even primary, area about which I write. (Take a deep breath). I am passionate about many other things (e.g., the gospel, my family, the church I pastor, working on my upcoming PhD dissertation). Nevertheless, I believe this is...
Paul Levy
I detest Saturday conferences. I mean it; there are few things worse than slogging your guts out all week and getting to Friday and the horrible realisation dawns on you that you booked into that conference 4 months ago. You know that feeling of facing the prospect of dragging yourself there, where...
I hope that I will be able at some point to provide a review of Tom Nettles' excellent volume, Living for Revealed Truth: The Life and Pastoral Theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon (pastors and preachers, you need this book, and can get it at , , Westminster ). In the...
You may have heard Apple-adorers testifying of the usefulness of an application called PrayerMate. Now Google-gogglers can join in the fun, because PrayerMate has been made available for Android. Some warnings: PrayerMate will not give you a heart for prayer; it will not fight your battles against...
My wife tells me that I frighten people. Whenever we are in public and I meet someone new, I ask, "What's going on?" in a somewhat loud voice. It is not the content of my initial greeting that frightens people but the volume. I do not plan on changing. It is a way to break the ice with strangers...
Pastor Randy Nabors, in a blog dated January 3, 2014, provided a list of possible reasons why churches do not pursue being cross-cultural. Some of the reasons may shock you. Others may be obvious. Some you may have never considered. Number 2 on his list of 7 is, "Cultural affinity or ethnocentrism...
In a recent edition of Christian Renewal (date: December 11, 2013), Ruth Vandyken, in her article, "Preaching Outside the Box and onto the Public Soapbox," interviewed Dr. Joseph Pipa--faculty at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary--and Dr. Cornel Venema--of Mid-America Reformed Seminary--...
8 7. 8 7. D (Hyfrydol) Psalm 107 Oh give thanks to God our Saviour For his mercy rich and free; Sing his praise who find his favour, Rescued from the enemy. Every land gives up his chosen, Gathered up from east and west; North and south send forth his people, Each redeemed and fully blessed...