'Come clean Carl'

Paul Levy
The people are asking...... 
Has Trueman been using Logos funds to start a marketing campaign for Mortification of Spin whilst smearing Levy with photos of him in a Monks outfit? How much are Logos paying? How on earth did 'Minority Report:Unpopular Thoughts on Everything from Ancient Christianity to Zen Calvinism' reach the top seller of CFP's theology books for one week and then disappear from the list?!? 
Is the phenomena of seminary professors double dipping with a salary from the church plus advertising revenue from various product endorsements reaching a point where we say enough is enough? Surely we must strive to root out the double dippers at the heart of American Presbyterianism.
On the photo front, we know there is a picture out there of Carl and Mrs Trueman dressed up in one of those old fashioned cowboy and bar tender outfits. I understand Carl is sitting down scowling at the camera whilst holding a pistol. It's about 15 years old and it's existence has been known for a while. I'm told that it smacks of a Brit seeking to endear himself with an American audience, something that Carl is being increasingly accused of. No one has been able to get hold of it (not even the honoured librarian) but I'm willing to pay good money if someone can get it to me.