

I have just seen two profoundly moving videos at Justin Taylor's blog . The second I have seen before: the Kimyal tribe of West Papua, Indonesia, receiving New Testaments in their own language for the first time. The first, equally telling, is much briefer, showing believers in China rushing to...
My wife will tell you that I am a fairly independent guy. If I am assigned a task, I normally attempt to accomplish it without requesting help. Of course there are times when I know I need assistance, but if I can do it on my own I will. In the eyes of some, this is a great quality to maintain;...
For those who might be in the vicinity of Bulkington in the UK (not far from Coventry and Leicester), I hope to be at Bulkington Congregational Church this coming Monday (Mon 03 Feb) at 7.30pm for the first of this year's church history lectures . My subject is "Wrestling: The Life of Andrew Fuller...
I may have fallen victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is, "Never get involved in a land war in Asia," but only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!" Then further down the pecking order comes this one: "Never quote Owen in...
There are many impediments to witnessing (i.e., sharing your faith). Many of us are absolutely terrified. Beads of sweat begin to moisten our backs merely at the thought of evangelistic outreach. Sometimes we think it is better left to the professionals. They will say the right things; they will...
Though Carl reports that the arrival of a formal liturgy at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs is considered a surprise , if I remember John Owen correctly, he would probably be expecting it. I cannot recall the precise place (I may try to track it down, or someone might recall it - I vaguely...
I wonder if I might draw your attention to a series of volumes that ought to be known to church historians and historical theologians, and those who are interested in the same? The series is published by Reformation Heritage Books, and each volume so far has been compiled and introduced by James T...
Dr. Dan Wallace writes, "...we can see that it is crucial -- because it is an essential part of the gospel -- that race should never be a roadblock to the fullest fellowship that Christians can have. In 1963, Martin Luther King complained, "It is appalling that the most segregated hour of Christian...
Our brother discusses his new book Life in Christ:
A little while ago, a friend wrote an article entitled " My Ministry is Harder Than Yours (and Other Lies We Tell) ." The author, Mez McConnell, is a pastor in Edinburgh and one of the architects of 20schemes , a ministry seeking to establish gospel churches in some of the poorest communities in...