

These fantastic four volumes from Reformation Heritage Books are now available at 50% off here .Get them while the deal lasts (one week only) at Westminster Bookstore .
Our friend Dr. Peter Jones of TruthXChange has written a timely and helpful piece on the World Vision debacle, which also touches on a number of other hot-button issues. Tolle Lege!
You may not usually listen to Mortification of Spin .That's fine. But just give the first minute of this latest one a listen to hear Carl give every letter of the word marijuana it's full weight and value. I think it's fair to say that they have carried him outside his comfort zone for this one. (...
Over at Particular Voices , we are reminded from Isaac Watts' Discourse of the Love of God and the Use and Abuse of the Passions that, in trying to navigate the Biblical route between dead orthodoxy (which ought always to be, and is at root, a contradiction in terms) and mindless enthusiasm, and...
Rick Phillips
Last week I began a four-part series of observations pertaining to the New Calvinism - Old Calvinism discussion. My first post argued that Old Calvinists should be grateful for and generally happy about the New Calvinism (spurring a back-and-forth between Darryl Hart and me ). This second post will...
Paul Levy
I know I've banged on about this before and despite my jokes about FIEC wanting to take over the world, I do like the guys in charge. I think the Directors are doing an excellent job there are some pretty remarkable things happening there. They've recently got ministers in their congregations to...
Because he still has those who offer to him . May God have mercy upon us.
Seminary changed my life. Through the Bible teaching and supplementary readings, I gained a more robust view of God, his word and church, the sacraments, and my marriage. Perhaps because of the transformation that took place in my life, I so highly recommend seminary to aspiring ministers. However...
Rick Phillips
I am deeply honored to be the recipient of satire from Darryl Hart, who is concerned rightly to divide the New Calvinists from the Old. According to Hart, a true Old Calvinist is one who has Lutheran sympathies and, since I really do not (admittedly), then Hart argues that I am in fact a New...
Seen and heard at a conference: Seasoned saint: "Are you reading any of the older writers? Do you have any thoughts as to what you might read next?" Eager rookie: "Well, I just read John Owen on The Glory of Christ , and it was outstanding, and I thought I might just keep going and see if I can get...