Relating Works to Justification

Rick Phillips

My friend Bill Evans has responded to my earlier post concerning the "efficacy" of good works, and I am grateful for the clarity that he contributes.  In responding to Evans, I hope to clarify what I wrote and perhaps move us a step closer to agreement on how we should speak about the necessity of good works in salvation.  As I write, I am aware of a pending response from Mark Jones, to which I eagerly look forward.  My purpose in writing now is not to preempt Mark but rather to capture some of the issues brought up by Evans.

There are some who might look upon this discussion as in-fighting among the "sanctification" crowd.  I would disagree, however.  It is not enough for us to join in criticizing what we see as antinomian tendencies on the one side.  We must also make clear what we mean by what we are saying, in this case by the necessity and/or efficacy of good works in salvation.