

I have extremely worrying news for certain friends: I may exist! Now, before you declare that this is worrying news for anyone with a modicum of sense, let me clarify things ever so slightly. It has been a matter of some concern for a while that I do not actually exist. But there are now some few...
Last weekend brought with it all the brouhaha that seems to be the sadly-increasing norm among evangelicals with regard to 'holy week' and Easter Sunday. Now, I will deny no man the opportunity to preach about the risen Christ on any day that he chooses. Furthermore, if there is a possibility in a...
What do you think about our church plant initiative in Richmond, Virginia? From the outside looking in, you can only say so much. The video we created to spread the word and the website we have, which is dedicated to share information about our current Bible study series, meeting time, and location...
Doing a little study this afternoon, I came across this illuminating section from B. B. Warfield on the parable of the prodigal son, and the danger of make it a definitive statement of the gospel. Given the parable's present popularity as a sort of quintessential gospel declaration and its...
On numerous occasions, I have heard pastors and parishioners remark, "Your wife is your first ministry." The aforementioned statement can easily be expanded to, "Your family is your first ministry." However, for the purposes of this brief post, I will focus specifically on the former. At its basic...
I continue to be haunted by a question Tim Rice , pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, asked me at the Hunger Games (also known as the PCA Assessment Center). As one of our assessors, he asked me during our two-hour interview, "When was the last time you had fun?" Put differently, "When was the...
God is doing amazing things at our Wednesday evening church plant Bible study . One of the parts I love is hearing and seeing the children participate. Last night our children read scripture, read the Westminster Shorter Catechism, and prayed. I should also mention that they played hard afterward...
Last Lord's day, despite the absence of a few, we had an encouragingly large congregation. By some standards, it was large. By others, pitifully small. By ours, with a visiting family of believers, and a number of visitors from the community, several for the first time, it was a joy. Over the pond...
Paul Levy
A Christian's Pocket Guide to Jesus Christ - Mark Jones, CFP 2012 - This book is gold. I can't remember the last time I read such a small book that has had such an effect on me. At 76 pages I think it's worth almost memorising! There are lots of really helpful emphases, particularly Jones's...
'If Jesus never called himself God, how did he become one?' asks Dr. Bart Ehrman . If you have difficulty answering an objection like this, or similar ones, about Christianity, you can find many resources on the Alpha and Omega ministries webpage that can help you. You can also click here and here...