

Paul Levy
A friend of mine once came to our congregation and, because of the name 'International Presbyterian Church' and the links with Schaeffer and L'Abri, expected us to be a large church. I also think, because of my ability to exaggerate, he expected there to be a bursting, vibrant congregation. At the...
Paul Levy
Henri Blocher recently gave the commencement address at Westminster. As good as the lecture is keep your eyes on Carl in the first 40 seconds really enjoying it and then fast forward to 2.56 and see the battle with sleep begin, 8.53 is where he remembers he's forgotten to do his household chores,...
Paul Helm has responded to Scott Oliphint's recent article "Tolle Lege" at reformation21.
In a previous post I asked, How do you know that Christ loves you? Pastors and Christians need to do better than just assume this truth. I gave a trinitarian grounding for why Christ must love his people. But what about the question, Why is Heaven forever? God the Father First, the Scriptures...
What do you think about writing new confessions? John Owen was a big fan of writing new confessions. Ryan Kelly has an excellent chapter on this topic in the The Ashgate Research Companion to John Owen's Theology , with conclusions that may surprise some Presbyterians! A number of confessions were...
In his typically well-informed way, Peter Jones has once again demonstrated the importance of thinking Biblically about issues of gender and sexuality.
I plead with you to help. In my opinion it is a matter for which we must fight. If we do not, things will remain the same. Do not get me wrong, consistency is good, but not in this case. White faces: it's what I see. We are upon that time of year when reformed denominations meet for general...
Guest blogger
I am a blind person. Admittedly, beginning a piece with such a declaration seems odd. Blindness however plays a key role in my life. It has shaped me in many ways and has forced me to ask questions of myself that I might not otherwise ask. Having known what it feels like to be both under...
Dr. Scott Oliphint responds on ref21 to Dr. Paul Helm.
Paul Levy
The latest edition of the Affinity Foundations Journal is out and has 3 excellent articles. Ralph Cunnington is doing a really good job as editor in producing a journal that people actually want to read which is a rarity in my experience. There are 3 major articles:- Extra-Ecclesial Gospel...