

If you have wandered around at all online you have probably seen one of those silly articles that purport to offer a string of very British problems, most of them variations on the joke about two British people marooned on a desert island, rescued ten years later, and found never to have spoken to...
6 5. 6 5 (North Coates) Every precious blessing Comes from God above; Everything we have is From his heart of love. Jesus is the best gift, Coming down to save: Dying for his people, Rising from the grave. Gracious Spirit, give us Hearts to trust the Son, Souls that overflow with Praise for all he'...
Mark's post about how Christian parents deal with their children raises some interesting questions to which I may, in due course, offer some answers. In the meantime, I will provide a hymn that I wrote primarily with our children and younger Sunday School classes in view. If nothing else, it may...
If you are a Christian parent with young children, do you consider your children to be Christians? There were some lively debates at the Westminster Assembly. One took place over the precise meaning of 1 Corinthians 7:14, where children are described as "holy" (see Chad van Dixhoorn's work , volume...
As a pastor, it is somewhat easy to remain locked away in your study preparing sermons, as well as praying, counseling, writing blogs, and sending emails. And what about home and hospital visitations, funerals, weddings, and spending time with your family? All of those things combined make for a...
Last week we began to look at the Logos 5 platform , assessing something of the underlying provision. Today we move on to the base packages . These come at a range of levels, the most popular likely to be Gold, Silver or Bronze . There's also a Starter pack with some of the very basic materials,...
Paul Levy
One of the perennial problems in all churches is that of chairs. When I candidated at the church where I serve I remember being asked on numerous occasions what I thought about the directions of the chairs - should they be in straight rows or a kind of horse shoe? My reply was I couldn't care less...
Guest blogger
"People see me all the time And they just can't remember how to act. Their minds are filled with big ideas, Images, and distorted facts." Bob Dylan Two realities have played a large role in shaping my identity: my blindness and my Christian faith. I have at times struggled with just how these two...
Paul Levy
I'm trying to take a fast from buying books. I have an ever growing pile of books to read, the tyranny of the new book has meant I've neglected older ones. S o far I've managed two and a half months on my fast and I'm not sure how much longer I'll stay on the wagon but I've really enjoyed...
Sunday worship is a sensitive issue. Advocates of the regulative and normative principles of worship each have a lens through which they look to subscribe to certain principles about worship. Which is right? Years ago I began reading on the topic. Having a wide array of Sunday morning experiences,...