

Friends towards the west coast of the US of A might be interested in this year's Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors' Conference on "The Doctrine of Scripture" on the 3rd and 4th of November. Dr. Carl Trueman is the keynote speaker and will be addressing the doctrine of Scripture from the...
Just who were the Puritans? Was Jonathan Edwards a Puritan? Was Matthew Henry a Puritan? Is Nacho Libre a Puritan? The answers to these questions are not uniform, but I think that once we answer the first question the following questions answer themselves. Around 1564 the term "Puritan" emerged,...
The brochure is available and booking is open for the Westminster Conference 2014. The conference runs from Tuesday 2nd through Wednesday 3rd December, and features six papers, as follows : Holy worldliness? by Stephen Clark Thomas Charles of Bala by Adrian Brake The International Phenomenon of...
If you have never had the opportunity to indulge yourself in the works of Andrew Fuller (3 volumes, Sprinkle edition), luxuriating in the penetrating thought and terse prose of the greatly gifted Baptist theologian, then this may be your opportunity. If you are a Logos user, the three volumes are...
Some of us are fond of bemoaning evangelical celebrity culture as largely the product of a church too much tinged with the spirit of the age. A few weeks ago, Michael Haykin was kind enough to let me see a brief pamphlet from 1645, entitled Anthropolatria; or, the Sinne of Glorying in Men,...
There are many reasons why marriages suffer. Here are four. 1. You have fallen in love with someone else. Adultery, pornography, and all manner of lusts provide a third party to an otherwise two-party marriage. Intimacy decreases, the closeness that you once experienced is exchanged for distance,...
Looking at Logos 5, we have considered the underlying Logos 5 platform , and then considered the base packages available before surveying a specialist package . In the last part of this extended review, I want to ask the question, "Should you consider Logos, and - if so - for whom?" I think that...
I have arrived home from a delightful visit to the beautiful land of Australia. My first few days were in Sydney, where I preached at the Truth of the Gospel conference on the topic of "The Brokenhearted Evangelist." On the Lord's day, I was able to preach at the two sponsoring churches, Southern...
How do we deal with the tricky matter of pastors moving from one congregation to another? Some time ago I was in a session meeting with my elders, discussing my salary, and the phone rang (a long distance call). Within a minute of the phone conversation, I was asked about becoming the pastor at...
I believe that our churches should be devoted to consumer-driven worship. That is, we should identify the target audience of our worship service: our consumer. We should then conduct studies to determine what our target audience likes in worship. What will make our consumer come back? What will...