

In 2010, John Piper was asked, "Should pastors get PhDs?" He responded, "If you're already a pastor, I wouldn't get a PhD. It's a lot of work, and the payoff is really small. Really small. When I say really small, I don't mean studying the Bible is small payoff. But the way most PhD programs are...
In his book, "Tough Topics" , Sam Storms addresses the question of Christ's impeccability ("Could Jesus Sin?"). He writes: "For many years I strongly advocated the impeccability of Christ, insisting that because he was God incarnate, he was incapable of sinning. Now, make no mistake, he was and...
Rick Phillips
Our Father in heaven, the sovereign and almighty God, the faithful covenant-keeper and Savior, we plead to you on behalf of our suffering fellow believers in Iraq. Cast your eye upon them and have mercy to uphold and defend your flock. Overthrow the evil of their persecutors and strengthen the...
Calvin's commentary on the creation narrative of Genesis 1.1-2.3 is dominated by one particular metaphor--that of God as the builder and decorator of a luxurious house. The creation days, in Calvin's perspective, mark successive stages in God's construction project. In the first triad of creation...
And now this . Who can read such things, and of such things, without sorrow?
Many thanks to the fine folk at Ref21 for inviting me to contribute to the website. I'm intending to launch, in a day or two, a series of posts reflecting upon bits and pieces of Calvin's Genesis commentary. Several weeks ago I decided to read through the entirety of Calvin's commentary set--not so...
I'm not quite sure what I'm doing here. I've stayed away from blogging for all the normal reasons: I'm not certain that I have anything to say in 500 words, much less anything to say in an interesting way. Moreover, the internet seems to have a way of drawing out the worst sort of writing: over-...
Aaron Denlinger is Department Chair and Teacher in Latin at Arma Dei Academy (Highlands Ranch, CO), as well as Adjunct Professor of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary (Glenside, PA) and Research Fellow for the Puritan Studies Program of the University of the Free State (Bloemfontein...
Scott R. Swain is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He is author of The God of the Gospel: Robert Jenson's Trinitarian Theology ; Trinity, Revelation, and Reading: A Theological Introduction to the Bible and its...
Bruce P. Baugus is associate professor of philosophy and theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, and a PCA teaching elder. Raised on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Bruce holds degrees from Penn State (BS in geography, 1996), Southern Seminary (MDiv, 1999), and Calvin...