

Ne Mihi Suffenus essem - Not to be my own Suffenus "Duller is he than country dullness' self, Once he takes pen in hand, yet ne'er so happy As when he scribbles verse; then is he all Self-admiration and self-centered bliss." Because of the internet, and thus the ability to "self-publish", there are...
The question is sometimes asked, "What would you do if you knew you were going to die today?" I often hear people respond to the question by sharing a series of things they wish they had accomplished or enjoyed in life. "If I were to die today," some say, "I would eat at __________ restaurant. I...
Rick Phillips
"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation" (Ps. 111:1). One of the more popular features on our church website ( ) is the live video webcast that allows people to watch our worship services on the Lord's Day as they...
I am I am, I am I am I think I am, I think I am I'm glad I am I'm proud I am A real [balanced] man Who is this person in the middle who carefully avoids extremes in his theologizing? It is all of us, or so we think. If you are a Pastor or theologian, you are likely a man of "balance". In fact, if...
A reminder from Spurgeon to deal in our ministry with subjects suitable to an immortal being, taken from a sermon on The Word of the Cross (#1611): If I were able to explain to a general audience how to make unlimited profit upon the Stock Exchange, or in some other market, all the world would...
Church planting requires many administrative tasks. From setting up email accounts and registering the church's 501-C3 status to fundraising and sending update letters, one can easily spend over one-hundred hours on the front end tackling these necessary duties. In addition to these important...
John Pye Smith was a Congregationalist of the first half of the nineteenth century. He was theological tutor at the Dissenting academy known as Homerton College near Hackney, London, for forty-five years between 1805 and 1850. In addition he was minister of the Old Gravel Pit Chapel in Chatham...
As far back as I can recall, Christians have utilized the phrase, "personal relationship" in evangelism. It is oft-times used as a synonym for "salvation." Perhaps pressing the phrase to its unlikely meaning, we might suggest that the phrase, "personal relationship" includes one's union with Christ...
There is little doubt that an appetite for pornography is endemic in the modern West. That this is the case was driven home on a recent voyage. On my outward journey, I settled in to my seat for what was going to be a monster trip. Within a few moments, to my immediate right, one passenger was...
This morning I am staring at a stack of books that I hope to read over the next several months. These resources came to me compliments of Reformation Heritage Books and I am eager to make you aware of them. Let's begin with the book entitled Captivated by Thabiti Anyabwile, senior pastor of First...