

In 1996, leaders from Reformed and Evangelical churches in America gathered in Cambridge, Massachusetts to issue a call to reformation. They published The Cambridge Declaration , expressing concern that "churches today are increasingly dominated by the spirit of this age than by the Spirit of...
I recently attended a Christian meeting where candidates for ministry were introduced. The introduction involved their testimony as Christians and their sense of calling to the ministry. It was so encouraging to hear them all say that "the gospel" had gripped their lives. They were convinced that...
There are so many reasons that I praise God for my marriage. One of them is that I don't have to date anymore! What does a guy do on a date? Drawing from my book on manhood, The Masculine Mandate , let me offer some guy rules for Christian dating. First, let me refer you to Genesis 2:15, which I...
Rick Phillips
"To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen" (Rev. 1:5-6). I have been preaching long enough to have now completed a number of different expository series. Few have been so...
"Our call to worship comes from...", "If you have confessed your sins, I declare to you...", and "The Lord bless you and keep you" are statements frequently found on Lord's Day worship at Reformed and Presbyterian churches. Are these things keeping African-Americans away from our churches? In the...
Paul Levy was born and bred in Swansea and spent four years in Cardiff working in a variety of uninteresting jobs. He came to London in 1999 to study on the Cornhill Training Course which teaches people to handle the Bible. Paul then worked at a church in South London, before being invited to come...
Guest blogger
Countless times someone has said to me, "You'll be able to see in Heaven." This is likely true, but I want to explore another possibility. Suppose in Heaven some of us are left with the disabilities or deformities we were born with or acquired during our earthly pilgrimage. Heresy! Wait. Stay with...
Mottos (or slogans) are somewhat trendy. Within most organizations, you can expect to have one. They provide vision, core values, and direction for the overall trajectory of the institution. "An Army of One," "Have It Your Way Right Away," "Just Do It," and "I'm Lovin' It" are some of the more...
"...nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all" (Eccl. 9:11). PhD's are becoming more and more common, particularly in the church. For those in the church wishing to pursue postgraduate studies, here are a few questions for you to wrestle with: Have your seminary...
Paul Levy
In response to Rick's ' Why the Fourth of July is a Presbyterian holiday ' my good friend Sir Tristram Strieb-Griebling sent me the following. We don't often publish correspondence and comments we receive but having shown it to Rick we both felt it was showing the respect Ref 21 deserves. We are...