

Derek Thomas Articles
A quarter of a century has now passed since Jean-François Lyotard's book, La conditione postmoderne (published in French in 1979 and the English translation in 1984). Not on your bookshelf? That's not surprising since by all accounts it is a pretty dull read. Still, it was something of a bombshell...
Carl Trueman Articles
As an avid boxing fan, as soon as I knew that I was moving to Philadelphia , I emailed the Smokin' Joe Frazier website to let the former heavyweight champ know of my imminent arrival. OK, it was the sad action of a soon-to-be-middle-aged man trying to fulfill a childhood fantasy. I assumed it would...
Carl Trueman Articles
Growing up, I adored my grandfather. He was probably the funniest man I ever knew, with a razor sharp wit, absurdism and satire running through his veins, and an imagination that seemed to know no bounds. His letters to me were mini-masterpieces of surreal satire, and he knew how to have fun, how...
Rick Phillips
While Americans today are roasting hot dogs and setting off fireworks, few will be thinking deeply about the significance of the event we remember, the issuing of The Declaration of Independence by our courageous Founding Fathers. Christians should realize, however, that the ideas enshrined in the...
"Let's face it. It's music that keeps minorities out of our church," said a PCA layman during the question and answer section of my Sunday school class. I have heard many comments like this. Perhaps you have also. Is it true? To your disappointment, I am only going to focus on the liturgical aspect...
Paul Levy
This time Robert Roberts 1762 - 1802) - so good they named him twice 'No union is everlasting in duration but the union between Christ and His Church. The union between soul and body is close; but death can dissever it in a moment; and they shall not be joined again until the day of resurrection...
Paul Levy
I'm reading 'Great Preachers of Wales' by Owen Jones (1885) and, as you can probably tell from the title, it's something of a romantic read. However, I came across a great quote on Daniel Rowland, the 18th Century preacher. If you don't know of Daniel Rowland shame on you - I'll stick some places...
In our ongoing review of Logos 5, we have considered the underlying Logos 5 platform , and then considered the base packages available. Today, we move on to the specialist packages and bundles . Here, my example is the Gold Reformed package . That's important, because Logos is a company that caters...
Depending on where you live, you may not be affected by HOA (i.e., Home Owner's Association). There are typically two items involved in HOA. You are responsible to pay annual fees and you are entitled to attend HOA meetings. I, like all of you who incur HOA fees, can do without the former. Many can...
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