Bruce Baugus


Bruce P. Baugus is associate professor of philosophy and theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, and a PCA teaching elder. Raised on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Bruce holds degrees from Penn State (BS in geography, 1996), Southern Seminary (MDiv, 1999), and Calvin Theological Seminary (PhD, philosophical theology, 2009). A former Baptist pastor, he has served as a ruling elder on sessions of PCA churches in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Jackson, Mississippi, moderator of the Presbytery of Mississippi Valley, and currently chairs that body's Credentials Committee. He has authored a number of articles, papers, and reviews and is the editor of China's Reforming Churches: Mission, Polity, and Ministry in the Next Christendom and co-founder of the China's Reforming Churches conference. Bruce is married to Tricia and they have two sons, Nathanael and Bryant.
