

8 7. 8 7. D (Dim Ond Iesu) Let the praises of God's mercy My poor heart and tongue employ; Let each thought of grace and justice Fill this soul with boundless joy. Let me think on Christ my Saviour, Let me dwell on his great love; Let me serve with all my being Till I see his face above. Having...
Having been away on holiday for a week (yes, delightful, thank you for asking), I return to find that things continue much as they were, except that Mark Jones has joined Team Reformation21, and Paul has allowed him to write a long post using long words and referring to past centuries without...
The Jennings-Garner exchange continues this week. Click here to read the first part and here to read today's exchange.
(I first posted this about two years ago, but it seems germane, so I am going over the ground again.) Consider the man born into a family of terrorists. The man's father had rebelled against the King of the kingdom in which he lived, and - having so rebelled - all his posterity were brought up to...
Paul Levy
One of the joys of ministering in London in the last 10 years has been to see the growth of lunchtime services. I mean by that a Bible reading and a 25 minute exposition in the middle of the week. In 1961 a group of businessmen in the city of London asked Dick Lucas to come and give some talks in...
Thanks to Carl (sort of) for the Introduction. But the man he speaks about is not me, I promise. I have lots of friends on Facebook, but do plan to purge some of the less trustworthy ones. I hope to alleviate the concerns of Rick Phillips , which mainly seems to be over one word in particular. But...
Rick Phillips
My friend Bill Evans has responded to my earlier post concerning the "efficacy" of good works, and I am grateful for the clarity that he contributes. In responding to Evans, I hope to clarify what I wrote and perhaps move us a step closer to agreement on how we should speak about the necessity of...
Rick Phillips
I continue to hope that the recent debate/controversy over sanctification will lend clarity and light to readers. For this to happen, we will have to labor hard for biblical depth and balance. In my opinion, those who are opposing the biblical doctrine of sanctification are motivated mainly by a...
Dear Church*, In his book, Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture , Graeme Goldsworthy remarked, "The act of proclaiming, or preaching, was not the giving of opinions or of reinterpreting old religious traditions in new and creative ways. It was proclaiming the word of God. Whatever the...
Rick Phillips
The long-simmering controversy over the doctrine of sanctification has heated up considerably lately, especially with The Gospel Coalition's removal of Tullian Tchividjian's blog from its website. Tullian has taken to the media and yesterday in an interview made the comment that he has been...