

This day was the best that I have seen since I came to England. . . . After Dr. Twisse had begun with a brief prayer, Mr. Marshall prayed largely two hours, most divinely, confessing the sins of the members of the Assembly, in a wonderful, passionate, and prudent way. Afterwards, Mr. Arrowsmith...
As we move toward the end of this series, the marks of effective personal evangelism we have surveyed so far are love , tenacity , boldness , consistency , understanding , prayer and faith . The eighth mark of the effective personal evangelist is experience . If we engage in this kind of gospel...
Tonight, November 7, 2013 at 8 PM Eastern standard Time Dr. Sam Waldron will be debating Dr. Michael Brown concerning the question "Have the New Testament charismatic gifts ceased?" As one who was saved in the Pentecostal tradition over 20 years ago, and sat under Dr. Michael Brown's ministry from...
A friend drew my attention to an Australian programme called Q&A in which four figures engage in a moderated discussion responding to audience questions (for British readers, think Question Time ; not sure what the American equivalent would be, if there is one). The panelists on this occasion...
Paul Levy
Graham Beynon is Director of Free Church training at Oak Hill College and a mate of mine. About 10 years ago Graham discovered that he could quite easily make a mint by just publishing his sermons, which is something that has served a lot of American pastors well. Graham doesn't do long series so...
The marks of effective personal evangelism we have surveyed so far are love , tenacity , boldness , consistency , understanding and prayer . The seventh mark of the effective personal evangelist is faith . With prayer is allied faith. Think of how the apostle speaks at the beginning of the letter...
In case you have not already picked it up, Steven Lawson's "Long Line of Godly Men" treatment of The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon is free on Kindle at and .
While immensely thankful for the benefits of modern travel, there are elements of it that are not in the first rank of Walker enjoyments. I tend toward dislike of the experience of being herded and managed, with even the temperature of the environment sometimes being adjusted in order to prompt...
No doubt, gentle reader, you have thought to yourself, "Where can I read more Reformed articles and find great Reformed resources on the web?" Well, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is happy to answer that question with the launch of Place for Truth . Now, in addition to the Reformed musings...
The marks of effective personal evangelism we have surveyed so far are love , tenacity , boldness , consistency and understanding . The sixth mark of the effective personal evangelist is prayer . The place of prayer in this list is not a marker of its relative insignificance. Could it be that one...