

Over the course of the last few years I have had every good and necessary reason to consider how I and the church which I serve might more effectively communicate the gospel of God to our neighbours round about us. In recent months, as we have tried to carry out our calling in this regard, it has...
For those who may have wondered what Charles Haddon Spurgeon sounded like, this may be as close as we get. Here is an Edison recording of his son, Thomas, delivering his father's final words in the pulpit. Some have noted that he sounded very much like his Dad.
Robert Candlish on the prospects for the resurrection body: And when all is spiritual, and all immortal, what an opening is there for the spiritual and immortal soul, possessed of a kindred body, and ushered into a congenial world, -- first , to express itself in communion with all holy...
A couple of interesting questions have come in following the recent piece on street preaching , and it might be helpful to offer some answers in this same environment. First, no, I did not have any particular individual or group in mind when I wrote the piece. I began thinking it through a couple...
In recent weeks there has been a spate of arrests of Christian brothers in the UK involved in street preaching and other open-air witness. As someone who preaches in this way fairly regularly, this is obviously a matter of interest and concern, and that on a number of fronts. For the record, I do...
Reformation Heritage Books sent me this promotional video yesterday for the release of Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation by Beeke and Boekestein. See here: I posted information about this book back in July of...
As part of our attempts to proclaim Christ in our small corner, we are investing some effort in a village near the town where I live. This village is, I think, fairly typical of our part of the world. It has a storied and pleasant-looking Church of England building nestled near the comfortably...
My friend Jason Delgado over at "The Confessing Baptist" blog has posted a series of sermons by Pastor Albert Martin on raising children which if you haven't heard are well worth listening to. I can think of no better series on this vital subject.
Paul Levy
Over the summer I read 'Silent Witnesses - Lessons on theology, life, and the church from Christians in the past' by Garry Williams . I thoroughly enjoyed the book and have found myself following up many of the issues Garry raises. Particularly helpful were the chapters on Calvin, Luther and John...
Paul Levy
Whilst reading Rick Phillips' ' Masculine Mandate ' (which by the way has the greatest study question I've ever seen on page 158 'Why can't dogs really be man's best friend?') I found a very helpful illustration from the life of the Baptist FB Meyer: ''God called him to serve in London at the same...