

Paul Levy
Following my post yesterday on Sam Allberry's book ' Is God Anti Gay? ' - The Good Book Company have been in touch and I was wrong, I quote from their email 'the A format size was a deliberate choice, but we certainly didn't cut corners on production. It was printed by CPI in Croydon which produces...
Paul Levy
Sam Allberry's book ' Is God Anti Gay? ' is very helpful on many different levels. It is excellent for those struggling with sexuality issues, it's great for members of the congregation to learn how to respond biblically to the gay question, and it's very useful for us as pastors and church staff...
Liam Goligher
It's the Fourth of July and I applaud the greatest country on earth; I honor my Scots-Irish forebears that under waves of persecution in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries went in waves over the ocean to plant Presbyterian churches in the Carolina's, in Pennsylvania and further west; I am grateful...
Rick Phillips
For Christians, the issue of patriotism is always complicated by our citizenship in two realms, one earthly and one heavenly. The Bible teaches that we have duties to our earthly nation, including obeying laws, paying taxes, and honoring our leaders (Rom. 13:1-7). At the same time, we are subjects...
For a nice blend of topics, sit back first for a leisurely Trueman on the sufficiency of Scripture , and then enjoy a bracing Mohler on the age of the universe . The former provides a good basis for the latter.
This morning I began reading Paul Washer's new book entitled The Gospel Call and True Conversion and am thoroughly enjoying it. This is his second book in a series called Recovering the Gospel. The book arrived this week. More information about it and a sample chapter can be viewed here: http://www...
Like many dreams, the details began to fade very rapidly, only a few of them sticking, but the vivid impression remains. In this dream, I had (I presume) been invited to preach. I knew the building, more or less. It housed a congregation that I was a part of at some previous point of my life, and...
"O what a blessing is Sunday, interposed between the waves of worldly business like the divine path of the Israelites through the sea! There is nothing in which I would advise you to be more strictly conscientious than in keeping the Sabbath day holy. I can truly declare that to me the Sabbath has...
Rick Phillips
This coming Monday evening, June 17, we begin our pre- PCA General Assembly conference, hosted at Second Presbyterian Church of Greenville by the Gospel Reformation Network . The conference is titled, "What Grace Does." Too often today, salvation is preached as if it consists only of justification...
You may be interested to know that a new site explaining and promoting Reformed/Particular/Covenantal/Confessional/Calvinistic Baptist covenant theology (choose whichever label least offends you) is alive and kicking. Catchily entitled 1689 Federalism , the key piece at present is a helpful video...