

Rick Phillips
The recent decision by the Boy Scouts of America to change its moral stance towards homosexuality is a tragic failure that calls for a response from Christians who are involved in Scouting. This would include me, since both my boys are Boy Scouts and my church sponsors a Boy Scout troop. Having...
A fascinating and well-done interview with our own Derek Thomas . Enjoy!
It is with great sadness that I report the homegoing of Graham Harrison. Mr Harrison was a stalwart of the Reformed and Evangelical scene in the UK, and a fixture at gatherings in Wales and the UK more widely where doctrinal and experimental Calvinism was declared and cultivated. With a fierce pair...
After more than six decades at our historic, four-storied brownstone in Center City Philadelphia, the Alliance moved to nearby Lancaster, PA. While we miss the beauty of the craftsmanship at our old location, this move is an example of our commitment to good stewardship. Our new location is modern...
There are a few things that frustrate me about a number of the books that I have read recently. One is those extravagant examples seemingly designed to showcase the brilliance of some penetrating thinker: Barry (not his real name) is a basketweaver from Clapham. Having been reared by donkeys, when...
Rick Phillips
After reading Carl Trueman's post on " A New Christian Crime ," I saw some on-line videos of Elizabeth Smart's response to the escape of the abducted women and was blown away by her courage and grace. I then read her remarks about the role that abstinence training had in the shame that she felt...
It was suggested that I might wish to draw your attention to an upcoming conference to be held in Louisville in a few weeks time. It's an awesome new conference called Death March 2013, and we will be rocking some of the biggest names and bands . . . No, hang on, messed that one up a bit. It is a...
Paul Levy
Bits and Bobs Tim Ward has recently been appointed to teach at Cornhill and has written the excellent ''Words of Life'' , the Gospel Partnership website has 4 audio sessions Tim has given on the Doctrine of Scripture God and Scripture Now Understanding Scripture Doctrinally Understanding Scripture...
Iain D Campbell
Yes, you heard it here first: Stornoway black pudding is now a protected delicacy, right up there with champagne and cornish pasties, apparently. You can read about it in our national newspaper, the Stornoway Gazette , although an unfortunate typo has you believing that our local butchers are more...
It seems that apologies for absence are de rigeur on Reformation21 at the moment. I am not sure whether I should follow suit, because nasturtiums have been cast against me. First of all, I was not in the seventeenth century developing a patent Puritan throat tonic, but rather swanning about in the...