

Paul Levy
''This ordeal he refers to as a 'bitter cup which he ardently prays may, if possible, be taken from him, so that he does not have to drink it. What is this cup? Is it physical suffering from which he shrinks, the torture of the scourge and the cross, together perhaps with the mental anguish of...
Preachers are meant to be conduits for the pure word of God. Sometimes the pipe gets dirty and what comes out is impure. Sometimes the pipe gets clogged and the truth gets impeded. Some preachers have poorer settings: trickle, fine spray, jet. I suppose gush can be healthy, if sometimes a little...
Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt recently sat down to talk about Rosaria Butterfield's book The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, which details her conversion to Christ from lesbianism. This is a must-listen!
Iain D Campbell
Today is the 200th anniversary of the birth of David Livingstone, the Scot who brought the gospel to Africa. Having just visited South Africa, I've been struck with the vibrancy of the Reformed faith in many parts of the country, and wonder, in spite of Livingstone's complaint that he saw few...
For anyone who may be interested, here's the complete picture: Introduction . Principles 1 and 2 . 1. Know and watch and guard your heart, cultivating the fear of the Lord. 2. Seek wisdom. Principle 3 . 3. Remember the power of words. Principles 4, 5 and 6 . 4. Consider your testimony and character...
Having trawled through the following . . . Introduction . Principles 1 and 2 . Principle 3 . Principles 4, 5 and 6 . Principles 7 and 8 . . . . we come to the end: 9. Train and restrain your appetites. He who earnestly seeks good finds favour, but trouble will come to him who seeks evil. (Prv 11.27...
It has been rather disconcerting to see the British (and, from what I can tell, the world) media fawning over the pomp and pageantry of papal pursuits. The most incisive discussion I heard as the vote was going on was a gentle altercation over whether you wanted to call it 'thrilling theatre' or '...
Paul Levy
Connected by Sam Allberry has been published in the US this week, I wrote about it here , it's worth getting hold of despite one of the most politically correct covers I've seen in a long time. The only two people groups not represented in the cover photo are Aborigines and Inuits. Sam has also...
What's a Time Lord to do? He dabbles a little in the 17th century and the shadowy fiend known mainly as the Pope of Ealing throws twitterbombs in his direction. He dips an intergalactic toe in the murky waters of the 21st century, and Davros himself pitches up and gets narky. But not to worry,...
Paul Levy
I'm pleased to announce Jeremy's series on Social Media will be available on Twitter in 140 characters, one tweet per day for the next 25 years.