

This past weekend the church that I pastor held its third annual Southern New England Reformation Conference with guest speaker Dr. Joel Beeke. The Lord was with us in a powerful way as Dr. Beeke expounded the vital subject of the Christian family. Please pray that the Lord will bring much fruit in...
New Testament scholar par excellence Dr. Michael Kruger reviews Rob Bell's latest book here . If the words "shooting fish in a barrel" come to mind, the reader would be correct! All kidding aside, Kruger is spot-on, careful, and, as always, required reading.
Paul Levy
I found this letter in David Calhoun's magisterial 2 volume biography of Princeton Seminary . It's the kind of book to turn to when you're slightly miserable. Calhoun writes.. 'The children were Dr Hodge's pride and joy. ''His study had two doors,'' wrote A.A Hodge , ''one opening towards the...
L.M. (Angel's Song) O Lord, the way is hard and long And fellow travellers are few; I am not wise, I am not strong, I fear I shall not make it through. On every side a sinking mire; Down every path a mocker's glee; In every way a burning fire; On either hand a roaring sea. But you, O Lord, my...
Iain D Campbell
Like Paul Levy, I have to confess to having been away from this blog for far too long. It's as well there is no contractual obligation to write anything. But there is an ethical one, so I shall try to catch up . Last weekend I was in Northern Ireland with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, and...
Paul Levy
It's been too long away from Ref 21, computer troubles, endless sermon preparation and last week I was away for a short preachers conference with other London ministers. It was a good time. Peter Adam on Revelation, Nigel Styles on Deuteronomy and then preaching groups where a small group of...
Oh that the Christian reader would seriously consider these twelve things: There is nothing that the great God hates--but sin. There is nothing that He has revealed His wrath from heaven against--but sin. There is nothing that crucifies the Lord of glory afresh--but sin. There is nothing that...
Paul Levy
In the curious world of Presbyterianism the people who bang on the most about being Reformed, Covenantal and Confessional rarely have prayer meetings in their congregation. I mean by that where the church corporately gathers to call on the name of the LORD. Even the means of grace brigade often...
The Word of God must be preached plainly and simply, not in allusions and doubtful terms, not in innuendoes and learned phrases; not in words which man's wisdom teacheth, but in words which the Holy Ghost teacheth; not with the refinements of the schools, but so that the women, and children, and...
No, not advice about brushing your teeth regularly, flossing wisely, or avoiding Stilton and garlic soup before that pastoral visit - that would be oral hygiene. This is - to give it its technical name - vocal hygiene: keeping the voice healthy. My mind is upon it because of my present schedule and...