Catching up

It seems that apologies for absence are de rigeur on Reformation21 at the moment. I am not sure whether I should follow suit, because nasturtiums have been cast against me. First of all, I was not in the seventeenth century developing a patent Puritan throat tonic, but rather swanning about in the eighteenth and nineteenth, delivering an address on Andrew Fuller at the Grace Baptist Assembly (firmly in the twenty-first, let it be said), and hearing some excellent preaching into the bargain (although there was one man there who insisted that he will not preach to less than five people unless he is guaranteed a nice cup of tea afterward). Secondly, due to my burgeoning unpopularity, the great and the good at the Alliance had the temerity to suggest that they needed to review my schedule of fees. "Trueman is good value at $1000 a post," they told me, "and Levy works on a sliding scale with $20 removed for every grammar error and spelling mistake. At the moment, you're lucky to be on $500 per post."

After a few weeks of justifiable pique, and slightly buoyed by the calculation that Levy currently owes the Alliance something in the region of $250k for this calendar year alone, I have submitted to the ignominy and will begin posting once more.

Apart from that, there has been plenty going on, and I hope that some of it will filter through before long.