

Paul Levy
Recently I spent some time with someone who wanted to talk to me because he was concerned about a conference he had been to. The conference hadn't been up to scratch, according to this guy, and though there were some good sessions he was disappointed. He felt the same about last year's conference...
Dr William Bates preached the funeral sermon of Thomas Manton. When we read how he described his departed friend, we understand why it is reported that Bates would weep whenever he spoke of Manton for some years after his friend's death. At the same time, the description below provides us with a...
Carlton Wynne
If creation provides the basic mold filled by redemptive re-creation (Is 45:18; Rev 7:9; 1 Cor 15:45), and if human fathers with their children, however finitely or imperfectly, image God as the Father of His children (Matt 7:11; Heb 12:7), then many who have welcomed a new life into the world--as...
The SCRBPC is sponsored by Christ Reformed Baptist Church, Vista, CA, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Palmdale, CA, and Trinity Reformed Baptist Church, La Mirada, CA. The primary purpose of the SCRBPC is for the edification of those in the Christian ministry. This year's topic is The Importance of...
The recent issue of Ambassador magazine, of the Melbourne School of Theology, features our resident celebrity, Dr. Trueman. Nevertheless, he still has street cred: few celebrity pastors get the title "International Scholar."
A helpful illustration: A church member who had been devoutly active for many years suddenly was absent. One cold winter evening the pastor knocked at his door. Actually, the pastor and the church member had been long-time good friends. As they watched the wood burn in the fireplace, the minister...
Words: Jo­si­ah Con­der, 1836. My Lord, I did not choose You, For that could never be; My heart would still refuse You, Had You not chosen me. You took the sin that stained me, You cleansed me, made me new; Of old You have ordained me, That I should live in You. Unless Your grace had...
"Why was I made to hear Thy voice, And enter while there's room, When thousands make a wretched choice, And rather starve than come?" So asked William Cowper. And so might each child of God ask, with a thousand more questions besides. Why was I chosen to receive life, when many die in their sins?...
For those who may not know, the fourth annual P uritan Reformed Theological Seminary Conference will be held August 23-25 at Calvin Prince Center , Grand Rapids , Michigan . This year the theme is "The Beauty and Glory of the Father." Here are the topics and speakers: -- Jerry Bilkes, Father and...
How would you close a sermon? How would you bring to an end a sermon in which you were pleading for sinners to receive God's great pardon for sin? Here is an example from Spurgeon, preaching from Psalm 25.11 ("Pardon my iniquity, O Lord, for it is great"), in a sermon entitled "Great Pardon for...