

Paul Levy
I spent last week at the Servants of the Word conference held at St George's Tron Church, Glasgow. It was something of a monumental week for the Tron and they are much in need of prayer at the moment. The conference was a cracking time. Dick Lucas on 2 Timothy and Tim Keller doing his thing on...
Over the last two years, I have been engaged in a series of consecutive expository sermons through Matthew's magnificent gospel. I am now up to chapter thirteen. Perhaps like you, after I pray regarding the text I am to preach on and do my exegetical work, I enjoy reading the thoughts of others...
Thabiti Anyabwile
With one deft press of the "post" button, our brother has brought a heavyweight Evangelical publisher to their knees with an apology and a retraction of a new book on the Reformation. Not many bloggers I know have that kind of sway. In fact, only my brother Trueman! Okay, I'm jesting at Trueman's...
Given that the annual boastathon is already underway, I thought I would set the ball rolling here at Reformation21. This summer I will be reading . . . . . . mostly books. Let the stunned wonder and impressed applause begin.
Paul Levy
To follow on a little from Carl's post (and I don't know Jason Stellman at all) one of the dangers for all of us is confusing the fundamentals with the distinctives. So, for example, in England there are about 15 tiny little Presbyterian churches. The danger is, because we feel we are a minority...
Paul Levy
Over the past few weeks I've been asked on three occasions about ministers and contracts and pay rates. It is a tricky subject and in each situation it was fraught with tension and frustration on both sides. There will be some that claim that a centralised system for paying salaries and a...
In an attempt to serve my generation by the will of God (Acts 13.36), I make a careful but concerted effort (believe it or not) to employ technology - including social media - wisely and well. I was recently struck by Al Mohler's statement that "if you don't engage social media in a responsible and...
8 7. 8 7. D (iambic) (Constance) A mighty host of angels stands Around Christ's throne in heaven; Their sinless tongues extol his worth, All praise to him is given; With awe recount his mighty works, His face behold with wonder, Lift up their voice to hymn the Lord With a celestial thunder. A...
Interested readers may follow the continuing exchange between Drs. William Evans and William VanDoodewaard over at the Aquilla Report. Here is the link to Evans's response to Dr. VanDoodewaard's piece, which was originally posted here at reformation21. Here is Dr. VanDoodewaard's rejoinder to Dr...
Editors' Note: The following is a response to William Evans's recent reformation 21 article by Dr. William VanDoodewaard, who is associate professor of church history at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and an ordained minister in the ARP. William Evans's latest piece on the ARP Synod via his...